Introductory Paragraph Example
Writings / / July 04, 2021
A introductory paragraph It is that paragraph that within a text gives a detail of the subject that is being treated, it must be clarified that this paragraph does not It is the first of the text, because before it you can find presentation paragraphs in addition to the titles of the document.
Because it is an introductory paragraph, it can occupy different places within a text, but it will always be between the first paragraphs of the text.
In relation to the size it is usually short but its size can change.
In the following examples the introductory paragraph will be marked in bold.
Example of an introductory paragraph in a letter:
Correderas y herrajes S.A
To all clients:
The new fittings have arrived, they are an excellent way to improve the finishes in the constructions. that will allow you to have a new catalog for all your customers, this is a clear benefit for all deal.
That's right, slides y herrajes S.A brings its new range of fittings that will allow your business a greater variety of keys and pipes made of brass and copper, which are with finishes and heads made of glass and not made of plastic.
For your better information we will attach our new catalog with our classic products and with the new hardware products.
We look forward to your orders
Corederas y herrajes S.A de C.V
Highway Mexico Tuxpan kilometer 4875
Tel 55-63 - ** - 96-56
Example of an introductory paragraph in scientific text:
The cigarette and its effects:
The cigar, a dangerous taste
The cigarette is a problem that has needed several decades to be able to make smokers aware of its risks, since binders with which they are made, the industry and their social status are a strong counterweight to social campaigns against smoking.
The Affectation of cigarette smoke in passive smokers.
Tobacco smoke is made up of more than 4,000 substances, many of them mutagenic and carcinogenic. Research carried out on laboratory animals has shown that the topical application of this smoke in the trachea causes cancer to develop in that area.
Cigar smoke is said to affect not only the people who consume it, but also the people who breathe in secondhand smoke.
This work aims to show that people who live with cigarette smoke have a probability equal to that of the smoker of contracting the same lung diseases and cardiovascular
To carry out the present work, an investigation was carried out among 200 people of different ages, sex and social position, divided into 100 smokers, 50 people not smokers but who live with cigarette smoke an average of 6 hours a day and 50 people who live in an environment free of cigarette smoke, which is the group of control. The study lasted 10 years, the research methods and development are presented below.
Example of an introductory paragraph with anecdote:
Global warming
It is a very important problem today, but when I was young, nothing was known about global warming, because although the care of the planet was sought, there was no feasible information about it, that is why we will introduce our criteria in it.
Today global warming is a very important problem and one that has the potential to be solved even partially, the objective. It is known that in a period of 30 years the natural warming of the planet will rise considerably, but this warming has been strongly influenced by gases of the type greenhouse produced by factories, automobiles and mainly and although it is not created by the livestock industry, since it turns out to be the bovine cattle that produces the most effect gas greenhouse.
With these precedents it is possible to obtain new results in the change and control of these wastes produced by the vehicle and livestock industries and bad habits in social life.
Example of an introductory paragraph in news:
In the Chamber of Deputies they endorse the reforms to the Federal Labor Law:
Mexico City December 2.- The Chamber of Deputies approved with a total of 385 votes in favor, 7 abstentions and only one against, the reforms of the Federal Labor Law to establish the minimum age for minors to work remaining at 15 years, in order to guarantee this sector of the population their full physical development and psychological.
The document indicates that child labor is considered an economic activity that, carried out by persons under 15 years of age of age, deprive this sector of the population of their dignity and their childhood, which impedes the development of their physical and psychological potential.
In substantiating the opinion, the president of the Labor and Social Welfare Commission, the PRI, Claudia Delgadillo González, argued that in order to avoid exploitation systematic system of the rights of minors, various initiatives of parliamentary groups were taken into account to increase the minimum working age from 14 to 15 years.
In her opportunity, the PAN deputy, Karina Labastida Sotelo, stated that social programs for the protection of minors have played an important role in creating incentives for girls and boys to avoid going to school because of going to to work.