Importance of Culture
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
We understand by culture all those material, spiritual and ideological manifestations that represent one or more people and identify them as part of a larger set of individuals. Culture is a creation of the human being if we take into account that the remaining living beings subsist from the use of the environment but not from its creation. Thus, although we share with them the organic functions that cause us to be born, grow, reproduce and die, culture is an exclusive good of man that equalizes all individuals (since we can all create it) but at the same time makes us different from each other (because each one creates his own culture), increasing the wealth that being human compose.
Our behavior patterns, belief systems, principles and ways of life derive from culture, which in a nutshell is the sum of all forms of art, love and thought, which with the passage of time have allowed human beings to be more free.
Culture is that invisible bond that unites us between people and that exposes ways of thinking and living
Cultural representations such as art, literature, language and religion, along with values and beliefs of a community, form its essence and are manifested through the lifestyle of those who belong to it. she. Each culture is special, different and it is this diversity that enriches us the most.
Culture is related to the development of our attitude as our values influence the way we live. According to the behaviorist definition, this is the ultimate system of social control where people are in control of their own norms and behaviors. Values are our fundamental principles, they shape what we think, how we proceed and our way of being.
Culture affects perception and behavior
The way we perceive things is largely affected by prejudices, attitude and emotions, factors closely related to culture. By labeling something as good or bad, our preconceived ideas play a basic role. When we judge something as easy or difficult, the attitude and level of motivation we have are key. The culture to which we belong determines the structure of our thought, which influences perceptions.
Culture forms the framework for our thoughts and behavior
The ideas ingrained in the mind influence the way we see people and how we react to certain situations. Various studies have shown that culture influences the way in which our brain processes information and responds to stimuli. This is another reason why it is so important.
Identity and sense of belonging
Culture gives us an identity and helps us forge character. The values shared through the community or social group in which we are, give us a sense of belonging. Culture unites us and gives us a sense of security.
The language we speak, the art, literature and heritage we are proud of, the gastronomyHolidays, customs and traditions together form our culture, become a part of daily life and influence us in many ways. The importance of culture cannot be stressed enough, as it is something that is within us, surrounds us, and is an integral part of our being. It defines the way we treat others and ourselves.
celebrating diversity
In almost all facets of life it is important to recognize cultural differences. As a result of the migration of families from one country to another, we live today in a multicultural society. Those who live around us, those with whom we live and work every day, have roots. diverse because they come from other parts of the world, therefore their training, beliefs and values are different from those our. Knowledge of our own culture and that of others helps us to accept these differences; Studying them expands the vision we have of the world, thereby learning to appreciate and respect others.
Culture is a phenomenon common to all human beings since each and every one of us, at live in society, we learn what previous generations transmit to us and with that knowledge we can eventually contribute to the culture continuing to grow and survive. However, culture also differentiates us since each social group builds its own cultural representations according to their preferences, their interests, their fears, their concerns etc Thus, the culture of a Western country is not the same as that of an Eastern country, just as the culture of a region can be different. of a country with another region of the same country or even cultures that represent different social groups living together in a same geographical space.
Each one of us feels represented by a group of traditions, elements, ways of thinking, ways of act that they are part of society or the social group in which we carry out our daily lives and that give us a idea of belonging. In this way, it is very difficult for someone of German nationality to feel part of the Indian culture because the representations cultural aspects of each society are very different and have to do with the specificities of the place, the environment, the moment, the group social etc
Photos: iStock, valeriebarry/Nikada
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