Importance of Productivity
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
On many occasions, we hear it said that such a person is more "productive" than another or that, in a factory process, is "Productivity has increased" and this generally connotes a positive issue. To unravel the importance of productivity, let's think about the following: a person to carry out a job that It consists of doing three household chores: washing the floor, washing the dishes and cleaning the bathroom, it takes a total of two hours. However, another person, to carry out the same three tasks, uses only one. Who to simple perception is more productive of the two people?
Surely, it will seem to you that the second person is more productive. Well, productivity is precisely that: the number of hours and also the resources that a person uses to carry out a certain action. This, on a large scale, applies to processes that are supervised by people but are also aided by machinery to speed up the process. In the case of factories, it is invested in technology and in process and logistics studies that allow finding greater productivity.
But another concept also emerges from productivity, which is that of value added: If I incorporate machines in my cleaning products factory to increase the volume of production, surely I am incorporating added value to my production process since said machine was designed through a meticulous and systematic study by technicians and engineers who put all his intelligence and creativity in designing a machine that allows me (and others, perhaps too) to increase our production volume.
Also, it is also necessary to have productive staff: in this, companies put special attention, especially in the quality of life and the quality of work of the staff. A person will surely be much more productive if he performs in optimal working conditions and if his work provides him with an optimal quality of life also outside the workplace. For this reason, the areas of human resources have become very important in recent times, since they are dedicated to evaluating the satisfaction of the personnel within of an organization and to analyze what are the possibilities to resolve possible conflicts or problems of the person in question in relation to their job.
Productivity is thus valued by companies looking for those people who have a optimal performance that allows maintaining or improving the production process at a desired level or expected.
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