Importance of the Armed Forces
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Security is one of the fundamental rights of the inhabitants of a state and therefore the governments on duty that manage them must guarantee their effective compliance.
Prepared and equipped to act against external attacks or internal crises
They are made up of professionals who have a high degree of specialization in the handling of weapons and military tactics. which precisely allows them to act appropriately when there is a threat to the internal or external peace of the territory to which belong.
War is undoubtedly the most serious context that calls for the defensive and offensive actions of these forces, meanwhile, throughout the history of humanity they have been the ones who liberated territories from external enemies, or from internal violence, putting themselves at the service of defending the interests of the state.
It is also important to have a Navy or Prefecture in the case of the natural limits of the country, acting in the function of border control avoiding the entry of fugitives from other countries or the entry of weapons or substances that may affect the health of citizens as well as being prohibited by the law.
Another of the constituent parts is the implementation of a national police force and its respective dependencies of those regional or provincial, which are in charge of acting as assistants of justice In addition to acting in the prevention crime, the fight against crime and issues also inherent to the public order.
Military heroism united in favor of peace and homeland
Heroic and joint has been the action that many Armed Forces deployed in history when serious circumstances threatened the peace of the world and the lives of millions of people, such is the case of the Second World War, with Nazism advancing like a whirlwind through Europe, devastating and subjugating peoples and nations, and He found himself with a solid and effective union of forces, made up among others of the North American, English and French forces, which stopped.
At present, we cannot ignore the fact that the world has focused on the search for consensus and peace, leaving behind in time the expansionist ambitions of centuries ago, and that the Forces have been relegated to a rather protocol activity, such is the case of military parades on the occasion of national celebrations or government acts, and to control the borders.
Loss of trust: when forces do not protect
But just as legally they are attributed an altruistic and sovereign role, in practice, these forces were often at the service of authoritarian governments, or directed by cruel, unscrupulous men, and greedy for conquering powers that led them in various parts of the world to carry out bloody actions that ended up overshadowing their mission in favor of peace and security inside.
This situation has of course contributed to the appearance of a state of fear and distrust of the common people towards that is, instead of feeling protected and protected, people fear that they will fall into abuse of authority or power as once.
A stigma with a historical foundation and from which many Armed Forces still find it difficult to detach themselves, even though they are far from developing this cruel and abusive action.
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