Importance of Defending Dignity
Carnivores Nirvana (Buddhism) / / August 08, 2023
It is a quality that all human beings have and that is not always recognized: it enables the ability to decide for themselves, choose their destiny, act accordingly with their desires; being worthy includes being the best one can be with what is available to him.
It is a capacity, a characteristic that the human being possesses and that differentiates him from the rest of the living beings because it is aware of its reality, and therefore can work to transform it, improve it
It is what makes a person make decisions and act accordingly, according to their desires or interests. in pursuit of leading a better quality of life without harming others, or representing a danger.
It is something that we are all born with and that is why it is not divided according to wealth or social group, since each one of us has the dignity to build his life and make it the best possible.
I am valuable as a human being and not because of what I have or where I come from
It is essential to highlight that, in the past, and as a direct consequence of the flagrant inequality that existed in most societies, where a few held power and the rest nothing, dignity was wrongly associated with power and wealth, and it was not seen as what it is today, an absolutely recognized and natural right of human beings.
The French Revolution and all the advances in terms of human rights that existed in these times and successively were key to giving the concept the correct and current imprint.
So, the paradigm changed: I am valuable and worthy of equal respect and treatment, not because of what I have or where I come from, but because I am a human being.
It is basic to understand it from this perspective, to be able to defend our dignity and that of our neighbor against any unfair insult that he may receive.
However, in practice there are situations that speak of a lack of dignity when people suffer abandonment, neglect, lack of interest or accompaniment from the rest of the citizens.
This happens, for example, with people who sleep on the street, who do not have a home, who do not have a job and decides to steal, with those who find no other way to subsist other than by harming others people.
All of this tells us about the importance of ensuring a dignified life for all, since it is undoubtedly something will have an impact on the quality of life of an entire community by avoiding negative situations that could be dangerous.
It is not earned or acquired by the approval of another, it is something that we all have at birth as human beings, and therefore must be recognized, and both societies and States have to act to ensure all its inhabitants the living conditions that allow them to carry out a dignified, respectable and safe way of life, and of which they can always feel proud.
The current and past history shows us different faces of the lack of respect for dignity, only having in clear the relevance that the itself, for our development and personal growth, and for that of the group to which we belong, we will find meaning in its defense through extreme.
Knowing that rights such as freedom, justice and equality define it will encourage us to take care of it and promote it
The mere fact of knowing that if someone invades our dignity, they will jeopardize our right to justice, equity and freedom, is a motivation to promote it and take care of it from any type of attack.
Bills of rights, constitutions and all the treaties that exist in the world deal with assumption of his defense, now, a written text is useless if in practice, people we do not know
We must be clear that this concept provides innumerable rights and that it keeps us from humiliating and unequal treatment, but yes, it is up to each one of us to assume a commitment in this sense, acting in a dignified manner, being as honest and free as possible with our actions and choices, and with the only limit of respecting the dignity of others. others.
It is a word that has to stop being a slogan of politicians and people in general to be a reality that all of us who live in this world enjoy. world, since it is the only guarantee and effective antidote against discrimination and violence, evils that unfortunately it has not been possible to completely eradicate from our society.
Fotolia. Flint01 / Vitaly Usov
- Juan Manuel Francisco Rodrigo De OliveiraFeb 2022
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