Importance of Astrology
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Astrology has served humanity as an idea or belief to escape the uncertainty of the future and the unknowns that surround existence. Faced with the apparent disorder of the world, astrology provides an explanation that serves to connect man with the universe.
For people who believe in astrology, the relationships between the stars and individuals allow them to gain a degree of security and a sense of control.
in ancient civilizations
Cultures of antiquity such as the Egyptian, the Greek, the Chaldean or the different civilizations pre-Columbian times related the order of the universe and the forces of nature with the events humans. For the Incas or the Aztecs the observation of the constellations It served to understand everything that happened to humans. Each constellation was given a shape and attributes with a human dimension and from this idea arises the foundation of astrology as a discipline.
Man and the universe from the perspective of astrology
In the 21st century we do not have a definitive answer on the role of man in the universe as a whole. Regarding this great unknown, three possible explanations are presented:
1) There is a God who has organized the universe and the role of man on Earth must consist of respect the divine will that has been transmitted by the sacred books (the Bible, the Koran or the Torah).
2) From another perspective, it is considered that it is impossible to give an explanation about the purpose of man in the cosmos.
3) Whoever defends the postulates of traditional astrology considers that the personality and the destiny of each man is determined by his zodiac sign and by the role played by the astrological ascendant. Both issues can be calculated and determined from an astral chart.
The experts in astral charts maintain that the planetary positions and the connection between the date of birth of each individual with the astrological houses allow us to know the vital course of each man or women.
This explanation is satisfactory for millions of people around the planet. For this reason, they consult books on astrology, go to the consultation of experts or read a specialized publication to find out how the future presents itself in some aspect of life. In this way, health, money or love do not depend on medical issues, the future of the economy or our feelings, but of the design of the stars.
Images: Fotolia. Dvarg – Christos Georghiou
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