Importance of the Biogeochemical Cycle
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
A set of complex terms have been coined into one in order to be able to make a quick mention of the chemical factors that, fulfilling functions as they they transform their roles and states through the various terrestrial environments, they provide the essential elements for the existence of life, forming part of their bases molecular. Framed within this range of requirements to be met are: 1) oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and even some minor participation such as phosphorus, calcium and sulfur, who are the basic elements that in turn allow the composition of the chemistry organic; and 2) water as a substance itself, which also undergoes a process of constant transformations of states and displacements, on which life completely depends.
The processes of change experienced by the chemical components of organic matter mostly involve phases in different states, thus fulfilling cycles that allow the reincorporation of these elements and water, either to its natural source of origin or in any other geographical point as a consequence of various factors. Being able to count living beings with the necessary resources for their biological constitution, is a feasible fact thanks to the abundance of these on the planet, but that said abundance has managed to sustain itself over time, is due exclusively to the ability of these elements to return from living beings to the environment, so that they continue with their cycle of vital use.
Diversity of resources, diversity of life
The greater the variety and quantity of resources, the greater the possibility of combinations between them, a mathematical principle of which evolution and its consequent biological diversity could not be the exception. In this sense, the quality of the biogeochemical cycles of rendering the essential components of organic matter reusable has been a key element. in the development, expansion and conservation of all ecosystems, which is why they are part of the essential ecological factors, since the disturbance in the fulfillment of any of these cycles, leads directly to the affectation of all the geological and biological actors present In the area.
Ecosystems from this approach can then be considered as a pyramidal model, whose base is made up of all the biogeochemical cycles in each of their respective phases, since from the elements that constitute soils, such as those that can be found forming the air or being dispersed by this, without leaving aside the water, which in turn represents a means by itself, and a vehicle for the transport of all the other elements from one place to another in the planet.
Take, seize and return
Throughout the transformations that the elements undergo during these cycles, there are always moments in which They present themselves with a greater possibility of being taken by living beings for their metabolic and organic use in general. A practical example can be contemplated with nitrogen, which in its simple molecular form is taken by plants, taking advantage of it for the production of necessary amino acids in the synthesis of proteins, among other physiological utilities, later, it goes on to contribute to the same functions in the organisms of the herbivorous animals after feeding on the plant, following the route towards the carnivores after their respective banquet, returning to the ground once the animal dies and all the organic matter of which it was composed is degraded by the decomposing organisms, which finally return the nitrogen to its source source.
This, however, is only a very simplified version of the nitrogen cycle, since there are actually several mechanisms by which this element is returned to the earth, in addition to a great variety of chemical substances in which it can be combined, as part of the various wastes that living beings we generate, some of which include urea and uric acid, as well as ammonium and various nitrites, which are taken into account when carry out the various ecological and environmental studies that allow us to know with great accuracy what is the degree of availability in which it is located present this and all other essential resources for the optimal development of living beings, becoming the most important knowledge of the modern agriculture.
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