Importance of Bioethics
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
The development of human knowledge and its applications have led to the need to establish different sets of standards and codes, intended to ensure correct behavior, both in moral and legal terms, that is, ethical, towards the intervention of people on nature and on themselves. This specific type of procedure, generated through philosophy and intended to guarantee life, is known as bioethical conduct.
In this sense, bioethics has been founded for the valuation and safeguarding of life, hence the importance of bioethics falls on all professions aimed at health and lifeTherefore, the investigations regarding Science and Technology intended for the medical and veterinary area must also be governed by meticulous bioethical protocols based on the four fundamental premises of bioethics.
The first thing that bioethics is responsible for is directing all medical, scientific, investigative and even technological action towards charity, therefore, the greatest importance of Bioethics is to make the well-being of patients prevail, in the case of medicine and veterinary medicine, and the development of research in favor of the benefits that they can provide for life.
From the above, the need to make it clear that all praxis must guarantee non-maleficence in its behavior emerges, with this it is inferred that the direct purpose of all work on the part of scientists, doctors and other professionals in general, is not to attempt against the life.
In the third guideline, bioethics establishes the right of autonomy that people have in terms of making decisions about their own body, health and life. This inalienable human right grants each person the power to accept or reject any type of diagnosis, as well as treatment and even intervention, being able to go towards the search for professional opinions and answers that are considered more assertive or viable for Yeah.
As a fourth premise, but no less important, there is a sense of justice that bioethics seeks to govern over each cause, automatically conferring through it the guarantee of all legal and moral rights for equal.
beyond health
The importance of bioethics is transcending the existing barriers between the professions, precisely because it allows the generation of norms oriented towards the I respect and the preservation of life, considering in turn that this quality does not only belong to humans, so that every day there are more lines of scientific research that incorporate the development of bioethical protocols among their work policies.
This same consideration could be made with respect to companies, from the smallest and most artisanal, to large transnational corporations, being able to ensure the establishment of guidelines that regulate the actions and consequences that any company can have both towards its own staff, as well as towards the rest of the people and the environment, thus becoming the premise of humanity from now on, to reverse the consequences of the impact that we have produced on other living beings and the disturbance of all nature in the planet.
education above all
There is still a lot of cloth to be cut in terms of the adoption of the importance of bioethics as a philosophical tool base, by the majority of the professions, since the safeguard of life It is a duty that belongs to all humans, especially when it comes to the consequences that our behavior and development have had over all other species.
Incorporate within Educational programs at all levels, the value and creation of own protocols based on the principles of bioethics, may help to form people increasingly aware of their impact on nature, as well as the responsibility they have for their own lives and that of others others, allowing them to make more just, benevolent, autonomous decisions that do not threaten the existence of other beings alive.
Such an aspiration might sound utopian, however, on a large scale, the transformations that are being achieved to reverse the change climate, are anchored precisely on solid bioethical protocols, demonstrating that good intentions are indeed capable of provide great solutions, when the gaze is directed towards what bioethics can teach us about how to do things and we let ourselves be guided for her.
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