Importance of waste separation
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Waste separation is one of the simplest and most useful techniques that anyone can carry out to help limit the presence of waste in the environment.
At present, the problems related to the care of the environment and the climate change that comes from their neglect, precisely, they aim to raise the need to modify attitudes, practices and methodologies of consumption and behavior that the only thing they generate is a great wear and tear on the physical space but also, and mainly, a high level of contamination and pollution due to the fact that societies (especially urban ones) generate waste in an almost endless quantity without considering policies of recycling. Waste separation thus appears as an important and interesting technique to help counteract this situation.
Understanding and raising awareness
When we talk about waste separation, we refer to all those activities that have the objective of differentiating the waste generated by the human being in urban areas. Let's make it clear that the spaces of the big cities are the ones that concentrate the greatest amount and density of population, therefore they are the ones that in the end also generate the most waste and garbage. The waste goes through different types of treatment depending on the city, the physical availability, the
technology, etc.But what is undeniable is that the spaces dedicated to the burial of waste are already presenting limits and that modern societies should consider a change of strategy in the treatment of waste. Thus, the separation of the same arises as a possibility: it implies the organization of the garbage according to its characteristics in recyclable and non-recyclable waste.
While the former are usually elements that can be reused or treated to make them new (paper and cardboard, glass, plastic, certain containers, cloth, etc.) there is other waste that must be discarded (organic waste, food scraps, pathogenic waste, dirty or damp paper and cardboard, etc). The separation can occur from the same citizen space (for example, in buildings) as well as from the State that raises the task of separation in large-scale waste collection centers.
A commitment to which everyone has to give their vote
The objective is clear: to reduce as much as possible the amount of waste that is deposited in sanitary landfills and that cannot really be recovered. The current societies that imply an exaggerated consumption and waste of resources, their wear and tear and final disposal without a awareness about the damage that is perpetrated to the environment, slowly they have begun to become aware of this situation and the need to look for new strategies that allow the care of the environment as part of the best quality of life for the same being human.
Photos: iStock. m-imagephotography / Pamela Moore
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