Importance of Recreation
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
enrich the training Sociocultural and enjoying life are the axes of recreation, as a breather from the dynamics of routine, the obligations employment and responsibilities in general. It is a time that one dedicates to oneself, which affects the physical and mental state, and which allows one to explore and develop one's abilities, becoming indispensable in the training of the little ones, for whom it should be positioned as the highest priority, guaranteed by the State. Thus, also, any continuous employment contract must contemplate a vacation period covered by the public/private company, generally, after each year of activity.
But recreation is not sitting in front of the TV or smartphone screen like a zombie, but actively acting towards development. physical and intellectual, it is so, that pediatricians advise avoiding -or at least reducing- exposure to TV as a form of distraction for children in their first months and years, because this box absorbs them in a passive mode, without direct interactions, which one can replace with music and books.
Walking through the corridors of a museum, meeting friends for a soccer game, or taking a family trip, are some examples that illustrate the forms of recreation. Although there may be limitations in the sense that not everyone has the same possibilities, many entertainment options allow you to adapt creatively.
Recreational outings promoted by the educational field
Both public and private schools should stimulate practical learning, and within the possibilities, carry out didactic walks together with the students, which can include a visit to the local museum or to the cinema, becoming a very significant opportunity for the humblest sector of the society.
In Argentina, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, gave the possibility that 220 thousand boys, organizing themselves in groups, can have free vacations as closure for the secondary cycle, to places within the country, both for the public sphere and private. This is an example of equalityHowever, a large part of society criticized him for the way in which public resources were used, without perceive the incentive on local tourism and the attempt to shorten the sociocultural distance between the poor and rich.
The potential of sport
The state has to commit and be present through ministries dedicated to culture and sport, and provide financial aid to those in need through scholarship programs. Sports representation is a symbol abroad, strengthening the image of a country. Who has never heard of Messi, Nadal, Tiger Woods, Serena and Venus Williams??? Each of these giants started from recreation, turning their hobby into a passion on which they decided to dedicate their lives.
Likewise, sport tends to be an escape route from violence, instilling values such as camaraderie, respect and solidarity.
Many professional sportswomen, even Olympic-class, are unable to maintain their expenses from the income that provided by the sport, so they must divide their time to obtain other sources, or even carry out collections between family members and friends. Not all sports have the same economic potential as soccer, but even within this field, not everyone earns the same as Neymar or Cristiano Ronaldo.
Reward yourself for dedication to work done
Being a slave to work is a problem suffered by many people, therefore, recreation becomes a temporary escape, as a deserved reward for effort and money saved. It also works as a fuel to fill the engine and resume obligations.
The duration or the destination are not important, but rather the experience itself, be it a weekend, dining in a restaurant or simply walking in the moonlight.
- nellyFeb 2022
The page is very good, it has a lot of important content
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