Importance of the Greek Civilization
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
For Western history, the cradle of many of the values that govern and determine it is and will always be Ancient Greece. If we stop to think, we are surrounded by elements, aspects, creations and developments that come from that ancient civilization that has gone down in history through the use of reason, the invention of the democracy and the polis.
We could not talk about the West without talking about the Greek Civilization
This is clear. What we understand today by the West, the largely secularized world, where reason is the basis of knowledge, where governments do not depend (at least directly) on any Church, where culture and tradition have extended their limits and prohibitions regarding religious figures, is a consequence of the teachings that Greek civilization has given us. legacy.
The civilization of Hellas (as the region now occupied by Greece was known) fully developed its features in the 5th century BC. C., moment in which it is considered that it reaches its maximum splendor and the cultural and political advances are clearer. It is in this century when Pericles makes Athens flourish, a city where for the first time in history a form of community government arises in which the
religion It has nothing to do with it.The Greek thought that survives today is based on the use of reason and the act of philosophizing about our existence.
Although the Greek philosophers (such as Plato or Aristotle) were not the first to develop this activity, the importance is undeniable. that they have had when establishing forms of thought in which logical reason became the method of analysis or comprehension. This meant for the first time the separation between religion and policy, as lived in the Greek polis.
The legacy of these philosophers and of other branches of culture (mainly art, with its perfect measurements and classical) has been recovered at different times in the West as the only possible forms of advancement and modernity. So it was at the time of Renaissance, during the eighteenth century with the Enlightenment and beginning of the 19th century. At present, science uses methods of knowledge that have begun to develop in ancient times. Greek civilization, in that region of the planet where the mountains and the sea allowed to transform the history of the universe.
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