Importance of Maternity Leave
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
He right Receiving maternity leave is something relatively new in the world of work because it mainly has to do with the figure of the mother rather than the father.
It was only in the 20th century that women began to promote their rights and position, and work outside their homes in a massive way. That is why motherhood had never been a problem since it was a process that women she carried out in her home, as a cultural obligation.
Why is maternity leave necessary? The importance of providing the newborn with adequate care
This concept arises from the moment that it is understood that a woman, by becoming pregnant and beginning the process of gestating a child, should not be separated from her or lose her job position. Thus, with the advance of the 20th century and the claims of the different feminist movements, maternity leave becomes in a necessary right so that the woman can plan her personal and family life without this affecting her condition work of her
The licenses are then usually established as something indisputable that they mean giving the mother a
time suitable so that she can spend the first months of life with the baby, take care of it, protect it and offer it all the attention possible. It includes, however, an important topic to discuss and deal with, since even today there are places and work spaces in which take men instead of women because the woman is the one who bears the pregnancy and, therefore, with the possible absences.When maternity leave is not enough and we must talk about paternity leave
In recent years, with the consolidation of feminist claims in the face of different social and economic realities suffered by women, the need for leaves for pregnancy are not exhausted in the figure of the mother (who is the one who usually receives the greatest amount of time before pregnancy) but also include the figure of the father. While the woman can receive months of leave, the man is usually given only a couple of days after the baby is born.
This prevents child rearing from being a responsibility shared and carried out equally by both parties, stimulating the man to return quickly to the workplace and the woman is relegated to the domestic space, taking care of the baby almost alone. On the other hand, the equalization of maternity and paternity leaves would be what would allow opportunities labor are not differentiated for one or the other since it would not represent a preference in hiring men over women.
Images: Fotolia. flint01 – sararoom
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