Importance of the State of Emergency
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Nations must be prepared for possible misfortunes or exceptional situations. When these occur it is possible to proclaim the so-called state of emergency. It is about dealing with some kind of social urgency.
The main situations that can be part of this category are the following: natural disasters, epidemics, high-intensity social conflicts, armed rebellions and, ultimately, any event that endangers the life of the people or national security.
What does the statement of this magnitude imply?
In the Constitution of each country establishes in what circumstances and in what way the national emergency should be launched. As is logical, it is about solving a very serious problem and for this it is necessary to take drastic measures.
In general terms, the measures that can be adopted are the following: limitation of individual freedoms, control of the army in the affected area, control of communications, etc. All this is accompanied by an official declaration indicating when the state of emergency begins and ends.
As a consequence of the measures adopted, it is quite probable that there will be social instability, situations of corruption and possible abuses.
In short, it could be said that the state of emergency is proclaimed to solve a problem of great magnitude, but the declaration of emergency is not without risks and inconveniences.
What does the Spanish Constitution say about exceptional situations?
The current constitutional text indicates three emergency situations ranging from minor gravity at maximum severity: state of alarm, state of exception and state of siege.
The alarm state is applied when serious and unforeseen situations occur, such as a problem potentially dangerous toilet, earthquakes, fires, floods, problems of shortages, etc. The declaration of alarm lasts for 15 days and can affect a part of the national territory or the country as a whole. It must be taken into account that this situation does not imply the suspension of individual rights.
The state of exception is decreed when there is a serious limitation of the exercise of rights and freedoms or when basic public services do not work.
The declaration of exception lasts for one month and it contemplates the possibility of suspending the fundamental rights of citizens.
A state of siege can be declared when there is a threat against the sovereignty national, a danger against the territorial integrity of Spain or any situation that threatens the beginning included in the Spanish Constitution.
Image: Fotolia. The Fat Woman – Pavel Losevsky
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