Importance of Botany
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The biology, which is the discipline encompasses the study of all forms of life on earth nature and their relationship with the environment in which they live is vast. Among the sub branches found within it is the botany, a discipline in charge of focusing its object of study on vegetables, which are addressed in integral way, from the analysis of its composition and its classification, to its cultivation for consumption human.
Among all this range of botanical studies, they are even more divided, in that there are more specific disciplines that address the study of plants in a specific aspect of their life cycle, such as genetic inheritance, composition cell phone, the adaptation from plants to the environment, etc. Some of these disciplines have strange names, such as the science that studies plant cell composition, which is called cytology. But others are popular knowledge, as is the case of the ecology, which is precisely the adaptation of plants to the environment and their interaction with it.
What makes purely the study of vegetables is known by the name of simple botany, because then a second one is found "botany": the applied botany, and which refers to the study and development of new technologies that allow improving some aspects of vegetables for a specific purpose, such as human consumption. This is important because it not only employs biologists but also professionals from other disciplines such as agronomists, forestry engineers or medical professionals.
Plants, like all species of living beings that currently inhabit the planet, have been developing and adapting to the environment in which they inhabited according to the modifications that it presented. In this way, many species managed to survive, adapting their physiognomy to environmental changes and thus ensuring survival. Others, on the other hand, have become extinct, after not being able to face natural environmental changes or having modified radically the physiognomy, through the internal composition, which have given rise to species that should have been considered as new.
Likewise, botany is usually practiced informally and at home, when training or short studies are carried out for specific purposes. such as setting up a home and family garden, producing aromatic herbs or floral and fruit plants, or gardening and maintenance of spaces green.
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