Importance of Intellectual Property
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
We can understand the Intellectual property like everything that is created through the intelligent mind of man. Thus, when talking about intellectual property, we are referring to the right of the creative person to enjoy the benefits of his work, be it artistic or of any other nature.
Regardless of the field in which we find ourselves, be it literary, scientific, industrial or artistic, the creator has the right to exploit or not his creation. In this way, intellectual property defends precisely that authorship, thus preventing third parties, totally unrelated to the creation, from benefiting from it.
Within intellectual property we can find two categories. On the one hand we would have industrial property. This category refers to inventions, patents, industrial models, etc. We can say that this type of intellectual property grants the right to exploit these inventions in the business and industrial field. In this way, companies can take advantage of them to find a bit of differentiation before their customers.
On the other hand, we find the category of Copyright. It is perhaps one of the trickier parts of intellectual property; and it is that while many artist associations defend that copyright is completely necessary, other groups defend that art should be free, because otherwise its discredit is discredited. essence.
Be that as it may, copyright refers to intellectual property over any type of literary and artistic work (films, songs, Photography, pictures, books etc.)
Being the fully recognized author of an artistic or literary work, we will have the right to prevent its reproduction, its adaptation, copy and sales in general. We will be the only ones capable of exploiting it, thus taking advantage of our job.
How important is intellectual property? At a business level, we can say that having industrial property makes us protect certain distinctive signs of our brand. By having this right, we will be able to shield logos, products and formulas from the competition, thus creating a evident differentiation that will benefit us when it comes to positioning ourselves in the market with the rest of the companies in our sector.
In the case of the artistic and literary world, the importance is perhaps greater. While it is true that many people They do not consider serious professions those that are related to this world, the truth is that artists earn a living with art. If they did not have tools to protect their works, their creations would be of little use, since they would be unable to take advantage of them and therefore be able to live and continue creating. Thus, copyright is essential to continue maintaining the cultural terrain of any country.
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