Importance of the Phases of the Moon
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The phases of the Moon serve to explain some of the phenomena that we observe on a daily basis on Earth. One of these phenomena is that of the tides, consisting of a withdrawal or deepening of the sea on the coasts.. On the other hand, the lunar phases are responsible for the light that can exist at night, which can be greater or lesser. These aspects of the lunar phases have been widely known since antiquity, but the truth is that there were also some beliefs related to these changes in the appearance of the moon. Moon which are frankly unfounded. Thus, for example, there has been talk of the Moon as an element that can influence the behavior of the people or in the growth of different parts of the body, such as hair or nails.
That which has a scientific basis regarding the influence of the Moon it is particularly its effect on the tides. Indeed, these change depending on the different phases that this celestial body goes through. The reason for this phenomenon is the fact that the Moon
has a field of gravity that reaches the ground. In reality, all bodies have a force of attraction, only this is negligible when said bodies are small. Instead, in the case of the Moon and the planets, this can become much more considerable due to its enormous mass. This enormous gravitational field attracts the water, causing it to move towards different coasts and retract from others. This type of event was perceived many years ago, but it was not until the development of the physical that could be fully explained. Strictly speaking, the Sun could also have a small effect on the tides, but it is much smaller and hardly perceptible.On the other hand, depending on the present phase, the luminosity that extends into the night can be variable. This situation may sound unimportant in our days, but in ancient times it had great relevance since it was the only source of illumination for this moment. Indeed, as is well known, the light projected by the Moon It is due to the refraction of light coming from the Sun, a refraction that may or may not occur depending on the different positions that the Earth and the Moon have; These positions would explain the different phases observed, phases that have a cyclical behavior throughout the time.
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