Importance of Children's Rights
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Children's Rights are the backbone for fairer and more egalitarian societies.- In the long journey that has involved for human beings to recognize that all we have equal rights regardless of ethnicity, religion or culture, it has also been possible to develop the urgent concept that children are vulnerable beings and that they must be protected in theory (of course, also in practice) to avoid as much as possible any abuse, maltreatment or injustice that comes from the world of Adults.
The boys and girls of the planet Earth They are the ones who suffer the most from tragic events such as famine, misery, poverty, prostitution, discrimination and that is why it is central to ensure their rights from the theory so that all countries take responsibility for fulfilling them and ensuring their security. Even so, we must mention that a lot of time has passed since the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Human Being (1948) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).
The theoretical aspects that lie behind the Declaration of the Rights of the Child
As many of you know, in every Social Area we have to comply with certain Obligations, but by the very fulfillment of the same we can access our acquired Rights, having these a classification according to Standards Explicit Standards, which are issued by a competent authority and expressly accepted, as well as Implicit Standards, which are related to the rules of coexistence and to those that, although they are not expressed, point to the common welfare.
When we are little we do not have this knowledge, so our parents must take care of us, also having the assistance of the State Policies that must guarantee the conditions so that these Small Citizens can count on the fulfillment of these following fundamental rights that are known as Children's Rights, guaranteeing so:
– Physical integrity and life
– Creative moments, rest, leisure, play and recreation
– Maintain and care for good health
– Being able to choose a religion or creed and manifest it without implying any act of discrimination
– Express yourself freely and share your ideas
– Access to an identity, including not only the Name but also what is related to their Nationality
– Have a family full of love, care and protection
– To have freedom of conscience, to be able to access a free Thought
– Being able to maintain the guidelines and traditions cultural values of the community to which he belongs without anyone being able to discriminate against him for that reason
– Be protected from neglect, mistreatment, economic exploitation and child labor
– Access to a basic, free and compulsory elementary education
The obligation to comply with the Rights of the Child under penalty of committing a crime
As we can see, the Rights of the Child form an essential part and inspire a large number of Laws and Regulations that are applied worldwide, studied by International Law, and which are intended exclusively to be applied in the most children, who still do not have a legal age of majority and whose rights are exercised through their parents or by those who have their tutorships.
They are mandatory, and also set the guidelines that a Rule of Law must follow when planning its state policies, combating, for example, the Child Labor, and especially the crimes related to the White Traffic, in addition to the prohibition of using children at any stage of a War Conflict, in addition to fight against crimes against the integrity of the little ones, such as Child Prostitution and Pornography, the abuse or use of children in activities criminal.
Here it is key to note that the responsibility It belongs to no one but the States and adults in general who are the ones who must ensure the well-being of all the children of the world, especially with regard to preventing and limiting as much as possible the use of minors for illegal activities or activities that may imply harm both physical as well as for their psyche, damage that is often reproduced and maintained throughout the life of the person if the child is not protected and cared for as corresponds.
Photo 2: iStock. MariuszSzczygiel
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