Importance of Electoral Power
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
He electoral power, properly speaking, can be understood as the ability of part of the population to exercise their right to vote and power choose your government. Obviously electoral power is not the same in all countries, and will be subject to the rights that each population has against their government.
Likewise, it should be noted that when we speak of Electoral Power (written with capital letters), we refer to a series of organisms and institutions. These are the ones in charge of supervising at all times that the election processes work correctly. Thus, from the Electoral Power, these processes will be directed, coordinating them and monitoring that they are always done from the most absolute legality.
Each country has different laws. Therefore, in each country we will find a different structure of this Electoral Power. Likewise, the functioning of the organisms that integrate it can also be diverse. However, the purpose will always be the same, to coordinate the process by which the people
select those people who will hold public office, or what is the same, public officials.The powers of the Electoral Power are really broad, although all of them are related to this election process. Thus, the Electoral Power will always be based on the laws of suffrage. Or what is the same, you will always keep in mind the laws that determine who are the people who can have the right to vote, as well as who are the people who can be elected through those elections.
The Electoral Power also establishes what are the stipulated times for each government and what are the dates on which the new elections will be held.
Likewise, the Electoral Power could have powers even to control propaganda policywhich takes place throughout the campaign prior to the elections.
In this way, it is important to know that the Electoral Power can also annul the results of said process at the moment in which any of its organizations senses some type of irregularity.
The importance of the Electoral Power is quite evident. On the one hand, when we talk about electoral power, it is important in any democratic state in which the government is elected through the voice of the people. Without this electoral power the democracy it would not make sense.
Likewise, the Electoral Power as control body or bodies, is also important, because in this way, the people can have the certainty that this process democracy will be fulfilled without any type of error or irregularity, therefore listening to the voice of the citizen and the candidate with the most votes will be elected. receive.
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