Importance of Early Childhood Education
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The work of teacher It is one of the most important that exists at a social level because quality education and healthcare are two of the basic pillars of an advanced society. The work of the children's teacher shows the professional vocation to train people.
Something that is not only achieved with theoretical knowledge but also, with the practical example. Within the different stages of life, childhood is one of the most important from the pedagogical point of view because children who are from 0 to 7 years old are in a phase in which they are very receptive to the knowledge of new teachings, for example, languages.
For this reason, infant teachers have the responsibility to offer a personalized education understanding that each student has specific qualities and a different potential. The child educator who is truly vocational is one who teaches each person according to their needs.
In the stage of 0 to 6 years it begins to form the personality of the child, her way of being, her self-esteem
, his emotional intelligence, his character, his values and his way of thinking. But in addition, it should also be pointed out that education begins at home because it is the parents who, through authority and example, have the responsibility of educating their children.The truly child education is one that arises from the team spirit of constant dialogue between teachers and parents through tutorials in which teachers can explain to parents the evolution of the child, their attitudes and their behavior in class. The family and the school must walk hand in hand, thinking of the common objective that is the integral development of the child from the physical and mental point of view.
The child education It covers different branches, that is, not only intellectual education is promoted through different subjects, but also physical education through sports in gym class.
the figure of teacher he becomes a role model for the boys who look up to their tutor. But in addition, early childhood education enriches children from different perspectives. For example, the possibility of making new friends with other classmates and sharing time together.
invest in one public education childish of quality means betting on the richness of providing knowledge to the children of today who will be the adults of the future.
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