Importance of Equity
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The importance of equity lies in the fact that it recognizes in different men a value that must be be respected in such a way that differences of class, ethnicity, or thought are totally secondary and nondescript. This circumstance is manifested in different criteria that guide human institutions. An illustrative example may be the equality before the law, a circumstance that accounts for the importance that it be applied in the same way for any individual, regardless of their particular conditions. This type of valuations are bequeathed to us to a large extent from modernity, a moment in which there is a clear break with respect to the society class that until now had existed predominantly.
In the economic field, however, this concept is quite controversial. Indeed, there is a discourse that tends to consider differences from the economic point of view as inevitable and to a certain extent as fulfilling a type of role in the system. This approach tends to be based on the productivity marginal; According to it, the individuals who add the greatest value to society based on their productive capacities will tend to have a better economic position. However, this statement is highly debatable, and in fact criticisms have been raised throughout the
history that tend to detract from this kind of meritocratic vision. The last, and most important in terms of media impact, was carried out a short time ago by Thomas Piketty, a French economist who gave account of a collection of data spanning an extended period of time that establishes that equity has outperformed the growth of the economy, a fact that inevitably leads to excessive accumulation and a consequent inequality that has little to do with the merits of some individuals.In any case, the equity should be put as a value to be defended if it is based on the dignity of the human being. Indeed, this fact should be a guideline for any discourse that focuses on dealing with the subject. Unfortunately, this situation was often ignored throughout history, a fact that led to processes that generated damage to different sectors of society, as well as a grudge that sometimes took a long time to develop. dissipate. Hopefully, in the future, these problems are overcome or at least considerably reduced.
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