Importance of Alternative Medicine
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
A good number of health disorders can find a practical and prompt healing through the implementation of strategies, techniques and minimally invasive resources, based on the use of the benefits that nature itself offers and the consideration of the spirit, body and mind as indivisible parts of the whole that makes up to Being. Among the most common areas of alternative/natural medicine are: 1) the use of the medicinal properties of plants without industrialized processing; 2) the implementation of essential oils through aromatherapy; 3) the energy channeling of traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, Chi Kung; 4) influence of electromagnetic fields by means of magnetotherapy and crystal therapy; and 5) the various modalities of meditation and passive exercise of the mind and body, as well as the broad therapeutic of massages.
ancient healing
img src="×262.jpg» alt=”1″ width=”370″ height=”262″ class=”alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-7977″ />All this holistic conception between health and nature is not knowledge recently discovered, quite the contrary, the foundations of natural medicine are anchored in the millennia that have elapsed in the sharing of human beings with their environment and in how he was able to find in nature itself the necessary resources to cure a wide variety of conditions, ailments and diseases, and being Through the development of language, both verbal and written, that this information found the means to be transmitted and continue to grow from generation to generation until the present.
Such is the relevance of this natural knowledge, which itself guided the course of pharmacology and medicine, both human and veterinary, serving as the basis essential for their scientific development, especially through plant components whose specific chemical properties serve as active ingredients for a wide range of medicines, thereby demonstrating the good judgment of the ancestors of various cultures, having been able to detect and take advantage of the benefits that plants offer for health.
Between mysticisms and scientific reason
Other resources have also been able to transcend the phenomenological barrier in recent years towards its scientific verification, an example really compelling is represented by the implementation of the use of magnets for the treatment of bone and joint conditions, having developed a considerable amount of sophisticated equipment capable of generating and condensing magnetic fields that are used in the area of traumatology, demonstrating in turn the great relevance that natural medicine also has for science, as long as the proposed arguments can be scientifically sustainable.
In a broader sense, natural medicine has not only served as the basis for the development of modern medicine, but by continuing to be implemented correctly and by authentic professionals in the area, provides the opportunity to undertake treatments with the greatest possible reduction and control of potential side effects and adverse reactions that could be experienced through their allopathic counterparts, and may even act as medicine also as an adjunct to the most invasive and prolonged treatments that a patient in the process of one of the most serious diseases may require. complex.
modernized therapies
Despite having its origins in practices as remote as the history of their own cultures, the knowledge of natural medicine and its applications, thanks to the wide adoption that they have had in recent decades, have had the opportunity to be complemented with the contributions generated from the same already disciplined practice and by the integration of scientific research as it demystifies each of the substances and treatments of what is considered as complementary or alternative to allopathic medicine, transcending towards its increasingly widespread integration at the curricular level, in the studies of the various medical specialties.
The undeniable impact that many of the therapies developed in natural medicine generate on the quality of life has represented the most stimulating factor in its development. promotion, coupled with the fact of meshing harmoniously with a healthier lifestyle, incorporating the preventive vision of diseases and the adoption of habits that allow an optimal state of health to be maintained more easily, which considerably reduces the expenses and repercussions caused by the disease, guiding the new generations towards the development of a greater state of awareness about their own well-being and an increasingly less invasive relationship with the environment and, therefore, helping to preserve the planet.
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