Importance of the Second Spanish Republic
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
In the Spanish Constitution of 1978 it is established that Spain is a parliamentary monarchy. Despite this, there is a sector of the population who yearns for the establishment of a republican system. This aspiration is largely inspired by the 2nd Spanish Republic, which was in force from 1931 to 1939. During this stage the Spanish people lived through one of its most tragic periods in its history, the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
Like other historical stages, the republican period is valued from two antagonistic approaches. While some sectors extol its virtues and social achievements, others emphasize its weaknesses and miseries.
Significant achievements and advances
For some historians, the 11th Republic marked an important advance in the modernization of Spain. The separation between church and state was recognized. Thousands of schools were built throughout the national territory with the intention of eliminating the high rates of illiteracy.
For the first time in history, women were able to vote in democratic elections.
In the field of civil rights, the right to freedom of the press and freedom of worship was recognized. Likewise, divorce was legalized and there was a separation between the powers of the state.
The main leaders of the Republic gave a boost to science and culture and tried to combat the historical backwardness of the nation. In short, the republican regime represented an advance in the set of citizen rights and in the consolidation of the welfare state.
In recent years, some historians have highlighted the false idealization of the Republican period.
The separation between church and state recognized in the Constitution of 1931 was accompanied by a wave of violence against the Catholic Church. It must be remembered that churches were burned all over Spain and thousands of religious were killed during the Civil War.
The proclamation of the Republic was preceded by municipal elections. In them there was an irregular recount of votes and eighty years later there is evident evidence that demonstrates the massive electoral fraud of those elections.
Apart from the persecution against Catholics, all kinds of violent episodes took place: the Casas Viejas Massacre in 1933, the Revolution of Asturias in 1934 inspired by communist ideals, the proclamation of the state of alarm and war on more than thirty occasions, two attempts of coup, assaults on newspapers, street violence, assassination of politicians, etc.
It is observed that the stage of the ll Spanish Republic was not exactly exemplary.
In recent years the archives of the Soviet Union have become known. In this sense, some studies have highlighted that the Soviet communists infiltrated the structures of the Spanish state during the republican period. The purpose of this operation was to turn Spain into a laboratory for Stalin's interests.
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