Importance of Sea Turtles
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Far from being animals exotic, beautiful or endearing, turtles are a essential piece to maintain certain ecosystems, especially those that have to do with water, something obvious. Thus, although many prefer to put a price on it for its exoticism, the price they have for our planet is completely incalculable.
We can say that sea turtles have played a really important role in the health of our oceans for millions and millions of years. Without them, functions as essential as the maintenance of ecosystem of the reefs or even the transport of nutrients to the beaches it would be impossible. For this reason their survival is more important than some think. It is not just another endangered species, it is an essential species.
We can give many examples of its importance. To begin with, at the moment in which they lay their eggs. By nesting on the beaches, these large and colossal turtles remove thousands of tons of sand. This makes the coasts much healthier. In addition, these eggs are a source of nutrients for an endless number of beings, from insects to birds. Therefore, it can be said that sea turtles connect the sea with the land.
An example of the importance of these turtles is found with the green sea turtles. Few herbivores of such a size we will find in the oceans. Thus, its main function begins with its main need, to eat; and it is that these turtles eat in the marine meadows. When grazing, they increase the productivity and the nutrient content of all these seagrasses. If they did not eat, over time, we would find completely clogged sea passages, something that would have repercussions in many aspects, such as currents or even the biodiversity Marine.
Other turtles feed on marine animals. Without them, these animals would increase in number, becoming veritable pests. A great example of the latter are jellyfish, which, as we can see, increase every year. considerably in number, mainly due to fewer and fewer sea turtles being they feed on them; and it is that there are adult turtles that can eat a ton of jellyfish a day, a really important marine vacuum cleaner.
Let's not forget that turtles also represent small floating oases for many other species that approach them to seek a little shelter from other predators. A great oasis that little by little is disappearing from our ecosystem and that can have many negative consequences, even for fishing and therefore for our supply.
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