Example of Notarized Deed
Writings / / July 04, 2021
A deed is the document that proves the ownership of real estate, such as land, houses, apartments and premises or commercial establishments.
The deed carries on each page an official notarized seal with its respective Federal Register of Causers, which is the password assigned to each person, institution or company that must pay taxes before the Ministry of Finance and Credit Public.
Notary Public Number 4
Lic. Alejandro Maldonado Guerrero
Tel (4) 2-13.86-44 with 8 lines
Fax (4) 2-23-41-21
FILE: 6371.00 ...
= In the City of Santiago de Querétaro, Oro., On the 8th day of the month of May 2000, two thousand. ME. LICENSEE ALEJANDRO MALDONADO GUERRERO, Notary Public Holder of Notary's Office number Four, of this Central Judicial Party, I HAVE CONSIDERED the IRREVOCABLE GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY granted by Mrs. MARIA ELENA PASTOR TELLEZ to fulfill pre-existing obligations, in favor of Mrs.BLANCA GUILLERMINA PASTOR TELLEZ, whom she authorizes to, in her name and representation, carry out the acts inherent to the Mandates for Lawsuits and Collections. Acts of Administration and Domain, in the terms of the first three paragraphs of article 2,433 and 2,477, of the Civil Code for the State of Querétaro and its correlative in the other Federal Entities, with all the general powers and even those that require a special clause in accordance with the Law, in the terms following: ...
The Subscribed Notary public states that in the terms of article 34, second paragraph of the Law of Notaries, I inform the appearing party of the penalties provided for by article 277. of the Criminal Code in force in the State, applicable to those who behave falsely in statements before a Public Notary, Therefore, being duly aware of it, she formally protests to behave with truth in the statements that she issues on; this instrument ...
SINGLE- The Principal declares that it contracted previous pre-existing obligations with the Principal, for which reason for its fulfillment grants this MANDATE, and that for those same pre-existing obligations, exempts it from the obligation to render accounts of its Mandate..
- In an enunciative and non-limiting way, the Agent may exercise the following powers: a) Representation before all kinds of Federal, State or Federal Jurisdiction Authorities. Municipal, in Civil, Criminal, Administrative, or Labor matters.- E) File the demands that he deems necessary and answer those that were filed against the Principal, as well how to withdraw from them.- c) Offer and render evidence, allege, file against the resolutions that are adverse to it, the claims that may arise.- d) File complaints, accusations or complaints.- e) Grant judicial pardon.- f) Intervene as an adjunct to the Public Ministry to repair the damage.- g) To sign and grant Titles of Credits. in the terms of the ninth article of the General Law of Titles and Credit Operations, - h) Present Amparo demands, to desist from them; to compromise, to commit to arbitration, to absolve and articulate positions, to challenge, to receive payments; i) To replace all or part of this power of attorney, reserving the exercise of the same. j), - Celebrate all types of contracts that involve transfer of ownership, including contracting with oneself; and in general all those powers that are necessary for the due fulfillment of this Mandate.