Importance of the Byzantine Empire
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The Byzantine empire lasted for 1,000 years. Since the fifth century, after the separation of the old Roman empire, until the fifteenth century, being very important from the economic, cultural and political point of view.
From an economic point of view, it was a power since, from its capital Byzantium, the Silk Road began and thanks to it, Europe and the East were connected. Thus, all kinds of spices and luxury materials could arrive that, until then, it was impossible to obtain or, if they were obtained, they were more irregular.
From a political point of view, for almost 1000 years the Byzantine Empire was a power that stabilized the relationship between Europe and the East, acting as a barrier between Muslim interests and Europe.
The importance of the Byzantine empire is that it preserved the Greco-Roman culture, in fact, Greek was one of the main languages spoken. Something very important that must also be highlighted about the Byzantine Empire is that the concepts of geometry, math
, astronomy, alchemy, philosophy, etc. They were widely cultivated and from there they reached Europe. This commitment to culture led to the preservation of many classical texts, both Islamic and Western European culture. This has been essential in the Renaissance. Also, it should be noted that in the Byzantine Empire the Cyrillic alphabet was created by Byzantine missionaries.But not only the Byzantine empire is important in terms of literature, conservation of writings, etc. it means. It is also fundamental in architecture, eminently religious, in the mosaic culture, among many other artistic disciplines.
The Byzantine Empire, in short, was a nucleus of economic power for almost 1000 years but, at the same time, it was an essential cultural, political, scientific power.
The importance of the Byzantine empire lies in everything it has contributed to knowledge, to human knowledge. It should also be noted that if it were not for the stability that this empire achieved for almost 1000 years, it would be very difficult for us to think of Europe as it is today. When talking about imperialism Byzantine there is talk of territorial power, but also of a balance between politics, religion, culture and the economy. Something very difficult to achieve in those times, but it was possible.
It should be noted the numerous studies carried out on this significant period in the history of the human being and of how novelties and discoveries continue to appear that confirm and affirm the significance that their history.
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