Importance of Keyboard and Mouse (mouse)
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Normal keyboard, according to the Spanish standard.
A lot time it has been since Bill Gates offered the mouse to a top executive of a large computer corporation. The executive in question asked what that was for. Bill explained that it was so that an ordinary user could handle a computer more easily and not have to type commands on the screen to run the programs. The man replied that for him he would want an ordinary person, a computer. This curiosity or anecdote, although many people know it, appears in the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley. It has never been denied by Bill Gates and gives us an idea of the importance that the mouse has had in computing.
The keyboard has always been around and not much different than it is today. This is because it is within an international standard of characters for each country. It cannot be otherwise, the letters cannot be arranged other than the way they (the keys) are currently arranged. Each country has its own character layout on a keyboard that doesn't change. That's how it will be until they change the rule. Sometime we will be able to see a foreign laptop, we will realize that the keyboard has unknown characters or letters and other known ones. It's good to know that all keyboard symbols follow a line of characters called the ASCII table, an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Something like Standard Code of American Information Interchange.
Currently wireless mice are the ones that triumph. There are some low-priced and even lower-end wireless mice, which are quite imprecise when it comes to handling them and all they do is put the wrong humor to the person who uses them, since they waste a lot of time for simple operations with the computer because they get stuck and stop they are imprecise etc. etc In the case of wireless, it is better to go for a mid-range mouse that will do very well for just a little more money.
Arabic keyboard example.
Likewise, and within the range of mice, there are those special for games, with a multitude of functions and buttons, for those people who like to play and have everything at hand. There is another type within the range of wired mice, it is a type of mouse with blue light. The latter have a very good value for money since the blue light makes it possible to move the mouse with precision, even on glass.
Modern keyboards are keyboards with functions multimedia. They have buttons that make the most important functions of windowsFor example, run the browser, player, etc. etc can be executed from the keyboard.
Finally review the laptop mouse or touchpad. People do not usually appreciate this type of mouse very much, however, to make little use of the mouse, in general, open a program, a document etc the latter are doing very well.
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