Importance of Music Education
Miscellanea / / November 11, 2023

Biology Teacher Title
Among the qualities attributed to musical education are such transcendental factors as: 1) improvement in academic performance, attributing to it the ability to generate positive neurological stimulation that considerably includes the learning of other areas of study; 2) influence on emotional development and the expression of feelings, providing the opportunity to students to explore and recognize their own emotional experiences through connection with music; 3) increases the development of creativity; 4) encourages cultural exchange and the generation of values of respect and tolerance towards diversity of thoughts and expressions; 5) helps strengthen self-confidence and maintain a healthy balance in students' self-esteem; and 6) offers a wide repertoire of strategies and resources for the early stimulation of cognitive development, especially in the areas of auditory perception and language processing.
In recent decades, the adoption of music education has been strongly promoted, either within formal school programs, or assumed in a complementary way to through independent academic programs, promoting the development and expansion of institutions specialized in this area at all levels, ranging from music chamber by the symphony orchestras to the popular groups that maintain the folkloric musical traditions of the towns and communities, passing through the independent organizations that also adopt music as part of their lifestyle within urban cultures, demonstrating the profound influence that music has. music in the human race, not only as a highly consumable and demanded product but as a fundamental complementary part that accompanies us in all moments and activities of the life.
Practice strengthens discipline
The perseverance and discipline required in learning to use a musical instrument, as well as for the study of the theory that allows the acquisition of the language of symbols used to compose and interpret musical scores, are anchored as permanent habits at the disposal of all other activities of the individual, therefore, there is a strong tendency for those who receive a musical education to assume the character of perform their other functions also in a more disciplined, constant and conscious way, guiding them to become more talented and successful than average. This phenomenon is considered one of the reasons why music students present themselves as brighter and more intelligent, however, the curiosity of some Neuroscientists are expanding the range of possibilities by which musical education improves people's cognitive abilities, demonstrating up to moments that musical education effectively influences neurologically, producing changes in the structure and functioning of the brain, giving it greater neuroplasticity, the increase in the size of the corpus callosum which increases the connection between the cerebral hemispheres and developing greater efficiency in auditory and cognitive processing in general.
Ears more willing to listen
The constant stimulation and conscious attention in ear training necessary for musical study results in a notable improvement in the general listening capacity of the person, this being one of the most relevant conditioning factors in the listening processes. communication. Knowing how to listen carefully allows us to develop more effective and efficient communication with other people, but also gives us greater capacity. retention of information received through hearing, something that definitely becomes a great advantage when receiving knowledge taught by a teacher within a classroom, even more so when there are noisy distractors coming from the same classroom or the rest of the environment. school.
In this sense, the incorporation of musical education within regular education programs serves as a resource that improves integration in the classroom and dynamics between teachers and students through the stimulation of auditory attention directed, remaining as a skill that the individual can use throughout their life to improve their performance. staff.
Sounds of difficulty and other tips
This stimulation and control over attention that musical study promotes are being widely valued in the development of attention strategies. in the face of various learning difficulties as a complementary therapy in the approach of conditions such as autism and deficit disorders. attention, obtaining excellent results as the child develops interest in musical study, and even more so when it incorporates the execution of a instrument. While disorders such as aphasia also demonstrate excellent results with this type of treatment, thanks to the increase in control of skills. fine motor and hand-eye coordination of musical performance and the increase in phonemic discrimination capacity stimulated by refined ear listening musical.
Another of the great secondary benefits provided by this methodology is reflected in the development of the student's personality as he His musical training induces him to perform in teamwork in a synchronized and cooperative manner, also stimulating him to recurrent appearance in scene due to the performances that often come from being a musician, helping you develop the personal strength necessary to overcome your own fears, insecurities and even stage fright, progressively becoming a more confident and determined person for the other aspects of life. life.
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