Example of a Prescription
Writings / / July 04, 2021
A prescription It is a document issued by a licensed or practicing physician who is fully qualified to prescribe medications; it can refer to medicines of restricted use and that must be supervised by a doctor.
Responsibility in a prescription it is usually very high, and for this reason they can be foliated and carry inviolable marks authorized by official medical institutions.
The prescription it must be printed and can carry security codes and even barcodes, to avoid counterfeiting.
A prescription, must have the following requirements:
- Clinic or office name
- Address and telephone
- Federal taxpayer registration
- Registry of the Ministry of Health
- Doctor's professional license
- Name of the doctor and, where appropriate, the specialty
- Patient's name
- Date of issuance of the prescription
- Age of the patient
- Weight of the patient (can be optional)
- Size of the patient (can be optional)
- Temperature
- Type of medicine and in some countries its active substance.
Example of a prescription:
Medical clinic
"Esperanza S.C."
24-hour emergencies.
R.F.C. (put the information here) S.S.A (Reg. Health Secretary)
Calle Esperanza number 320 col. Salvation Del. Iztapalapa Mexico Federal District C.P. 002356
Tel 55-00-00-00-00
Name: Joaquin Fernandez Perez Date: July 23, 2012
Age: 60 yearsWeight: 52Size: 175mTemp: 36.8T.A: 130/75Social Security: (Does not have)Background: (they do not exist) Proceedings: (8596-2012) Allergies: (none)
Diagnosis: (Chronic fatigue syndrome, hypertension and diabetes).
1) Vitamin liquid drink three times a day (put brand or type)
2) Benthic brand (put the brand and / or active substance)
3) Insulin injectable, type (put type) (give an injection of one cm after measuring sugar) once a day
Do not consume foods high in starches and sugars for a week, and do light physical activity.
Appointment in a week
Dr. Ernesto Pérez Valverde
Folio 000321
Seal of the secretary of health
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