Example of a Passage
Writings / / July 04, 2021
Traditionally, it is known as pastern to a measure that is equal to fourth of a sheet. Hence its name; For what is traditionally called a page to all writing that is contained within this measure. One sheet is equivalent to two pages; so that one page is the equivalent of half a sheet of paper: measures approximately 15 cm wide by 21 cm high.
Currently, the term pastern Is wider. You do not necessarily speak of the fourth of a sheet when you use this word.
Usually, we know a letter-size writing as a page, with a standard 12-point double-spaced font. A page can be written on a computer or typewriter. The top, bottom, left and right margins should be approximately 2 cm to 2.5 cm. The number of written lines that are generated with these specifications are 20 to 25 lines.
Likewise, a page can also be measured from the characters written in certain areas. For example, in the publishing sector, it is common for pages to be measured by characters so that the measurement is much more accurate. One page is normally 1800 characters with spaces included
. A character is each of the writing signs, that is, letters or punctuation marks.It is also common to measure a page per number of words. As usual, the standard is that a page contains 200 to 250 words.
In general, then, the pastern is a measure of writing. This measure is useful for many types of text, for example we can talk about school work, essays, articles, stories, summaries, synopses, etc. of a page.
8 Examples of pastern
![The page is written on paper or digitally in the 15cm x 21cm format, it is usually written in space and a half or double space.](/f/7a0a74a96f1929ac4d04774b30a1f2b1.jpg)
1. Text from a quartic about muscle tear.
Diagnosis and treatment.
This is one of the most common injuries in high performance athletes, in which the muscle damage can be partial or total. A muscle tear is a clearly identified injury, caused by excessive stress on the union of muscles and tendons, as shown in experimental and clinical studies.
For their treatment they have been classified into three grades: grade I, which is a moderate tear; grade II, which is a severe tear, (grade III), serious. Grade I injuries involve a five percent muscle thickness injury; grade II injuries, partial or incomplete tear; and Grade III, complete rupture or also includes avulsion fractures.
Regarding the studies for its diagnosis, radiographs are almost obsolete, except in the case of avulsion fracture. It is rarely used; however, chronic myositis ossificaste can be identified.
To identify a tear, studies such as CT, ultrasound, and currently MRI are useful, which provide us with much more information.
Regarding treatment, the healing response begins with inflammation, edema, and hemorrhage. For the management of pain and inflammation, the “RICE” protocol can be followed, which bears its name by its acronym in English Rest (rest), Ice (ice), Compression (compression) and Elevation (elevation). This treatment is the most recognized. Immobilization is recommended for less than a week, since early mobility is important. In addition, oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used, which are the most universally accepted; the medication should be started immediately after damage and continued for 3 to 5 days.
2. One page reading report
In this novel the main character is a teenager who finds himself in a complicated family situation and decides to run away from home to seek his own destiny. In the course of the novel, the character encounters a deplorable world, of which he knows little and which ends up consuming him. All kinds of characters cross his path and confront him with a stark reality: poverty, insecurity, corruption, crime and injustice. Among the main themes of the novel is the transition to adulthood, social problems and injustices, and the acceptance of fate.
The novel is narrated in the first person: the protagonist is the one who tells us about his experience from his own point of view throughout the novel's nine chapters. The reader can become aware of the thoughts, reflections and perspective of the young character, who judges everything he sees and what happens around him.
The novel is made up of situations, so that the chronology or the rhythm of the narrative is determined by the rhythm and duration of each of the situations that the protagonist experiences. Structurally, each of the chapters works independently since a situation arises different from the one the protagonist faces and that somehow shapes his destiny and makes him reflect.
Regarding the narrative space, the novel is not located in any specific city; rather, the author wanted to create a city environment in which various realities experienced in various countries today could be reflected. Thus, through the protagonist, the author criticizes a reality with which many of the readers will feel identified.
The language is simple but at the same time rich in metaphors and other types of literary devices. It is a novel that can be read by all audiences as it can be read from various perspectives.
3. Letter of motive for requesting a one-page study scholarship
To whom it may concern:
Hereby I want to apply for the study scholarship granted by the University to people who find it difficult to continue their studies for financial reasons and they maintain a good average. It should be noted that currently my general average is ninety-six, and that throughout the semesters it has remained stable. On the other hand, I have not had any extraordinary, I have not failed or owe subjects.
The main reason why I am applying for this scholarship is because my financial situation is complicated; I have several siblings and for health reasons my parents cannot have a full-time job. To help with the household expenses, I have to work, which has caused me to fall behind in my studies and that at the moment I face the situation of having to ask for one or two semesters to work overtime while the situation at home is balances. I would not like to leave my studies because the faster I finish them I will be able to get a better work situation; I would like to give priority to the university; however, the situation at the moment is overwhelming me.
It is for this reason that I ask you in the kindest way to consider my situation in order to award the scholarship. If I benefit from university support, I will dedicate my full time to studies to improve my average even more and finish the race in the shortest time possible in order to achieve a better job.
Attached to this letter I provide a current proof of studies in which my qualifications are broken down, as well as a proof of address and the socioeconomic questionnaire.
Thank you in advance for your attention and I am awaiting your response.
4. Movie review Dog loves of a page:
The movie Dog loves It was released in 2000. It is the first film by the now renowned director Alejandro González Iñárritu. The script for this film is by Guillermo Arriaga, who has collaborated with Iñárritu in other films; and photography, by Rodrigo Prieto. This debut feature has received several international awards, among which the award of the Criticism of the Cannes Film Festival, the BAFTA Award for Best Film in a Foreign Language and various awards Ariel. In addition, it had a great success in the public
It is a film that is structured from ...
5. Interview of a sheet
Question: How did you discover that you wanted to enter the world of music?
Answer: I inherited my taste for music from my parents, who in their youth were musicians as well. My childhood was surrounded by instruments and songs. Over time I discovered that what most excited me was singing; more than playing an instrument.
Question: How did you get to record your first album?
Answer: This first album contains songs that I have composed throughout my life; some are even from my youth, and are part of the first pieces I composed. I was lucky that while I was playing my compositions in a cafe, one of the record label's producers listened to me and my work caught his attention. So he gave me his card and I took a test; everyone liked it so they decided to bet on me.
Question: You are about to start a new international tour, how do you feel about it?
Answer: The preparation for the tour has been very exciting; I've never played out of the country before. I feel somewhat nervous, excited and happy at the same time. The album was a hit in many countries, so we hope to visit almost every continent. I hope that the presentation I have planned meets the expectations of the public.
Question: In the past few weeks, there have been some rumors of problems with your label, what can you tell us about it?
Answer: Regarding what you ask me, I think it is simply hearsay and nothing more. At the moment I am in a very good professional situation with my label.
Question: You were nominated for best artist of the year, along with other singers of international stature, how do you feel about this nomination?
Answer: The nomination for artist of the year was a pleasant surprise; something that I personally did not expect and that filled me with joy. It is very gratifying that others recognize your work and have a place among other artists that I myself admire; It is an honor for me to be nominated in that category.
6. One-sheet cooking recipe
For this recipe we will need the following ingredients:
-800 gr of ground beef or mixed half beef and half pork
-Homemade or prepared tomato sauce
-Bechamel sauce (60 gr of butter, 60 gr of flour, 400 ml of milk, nutmeg, salt and pepper).
-200 ml of red wine
-100 gr of carrot chopped into small pieces
-100 gr of celery chopped into small pieces
-100 gr of onion chopped into small pieces
-Precooked pasta for lasagna
-250 gr of mozzarella cheese
-80 gr of Parmesan cheese
The first thing we should do is fry the vegetables, the celery, the carrot and the onion, in a saucepan with butter. Season with salt and pepper. Once the vegetables have sweated enough, we add the ground meat and season it with garlic, pepper and salt. Once the meat is roasting, we must pour the red wine and let the alcohol evaporate.
Since the wine has evaporated and the meat is completely cooked, we proceed to add the tomato sauce; we can season it with basil, pepper and salt. When the sauce has boiled we add the bechamel sauce, which is made with butter, flour, milk, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Incorporate the sauces well until a homogeneous mixture is left. Let the Bolognese sauce boil for about 25 more minutes. At the end we can add the Parmesan to give it a better flavor.
Since we have the sauce ready, we can go on to assemble the lasagna. For this we will need a refractory for the oven, which we must grease with oil or butter. To assemble the lasagna we place a layer of pasta, a layer of Bolognese and a layer of mozzarella cheese to taste.
Once the lasagna is assembled, we put it in the oven, which must be preheated to 180 degrees Celsius. We let it bake for approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
7. One-page prose poem.
In the crystals of this loneliness lie the doubts of what is and what has not been, and I feel between the rocks from my own abyss to contemplate while time passes for everyone except my existence.
I constantly think of the remoteness of the beings that once formed my universe and that now time has inevitably dragged them towards other lives and other paths. Sometimes I find myself among unknown characters, looking for faces that seem familiar to me to draw on memories that have been left in the depths of oblivion. I look for faces, words and gestures that take me to the moments when life was easier and less rough for me.
The past time will always be a lost nostalgia, an impossible future from which we savor the already lived textures and we cannot put together the pieces that take us to those moments.
I look for phrases, words already said, that make me think that it is still possible to live other lives, dream other dreams and achieve other goals. To think that there will be more moments later that I will treasure and remember with my soul yearning to return to my past.
Smoke screens that cloud my fantasies fit in my resignation. In order not to take refuge in banan hopes, I amuse myself by blowing the smoke to make it thicker. My resignation becomes a relief, an anesthesia for my vague mind that navigates the ruins of destroyed castles and dethroned kingdoms.
I become a hermit who does not know about contact; that he does not know about emotions or physical sensations. Everything in me is now instinct, an instinct that seeks new ways to face loneliness.
8. One-page resume:
Name: Alejandra Franco Soledad
Date of birth: December 14, 1980
Address: Paseo Alameda # 423, col. Lerma River.
Phone: 22214590042
Email address: [email protected]
University: International University
University career: Bachelor's degree in pedagogy
Generation 1998 - 2003
Institution: Pedagogy Center
Master's Degree: Master's Degree in Teaching and Learning Methods
Generation: 2004-2007
Institution: Pedagogical Institute
Diploma: Diploma in children's pedagogy
Date: January 2008 to May 2008
Institution: Pedagogical Institute
Workshop: Workshop on alternative teaching methods.
Date: August 2009 to November 2009
Institution: Pedagogy Center
Specialty: Specialty in psychology and pedagogy
Duration: August 2010 to June 2010
Teacher at the baccalaureate level.
Duration in the position: two years four months
Teacher at secondary level
Duration in position: three years
Teaching private courses