How to Write a Letter?
Writings / / July 04, 2021
It is not very useful to inform clients if we are going to do it with a style and handling words that are heavy to read or that are not well understood.
In this document we are going to try to teach the general keys for the correct writing of business letters, and the different parts that we must indicate in order to achieve good communication at the end: In essence, to get an answer that is satisfactory.
Within a human environment such as a company, communication problems appear, and solving them is very important. The company needs to interact with the outside world in order not to lose its main objectives, which are to be able to offer the products they manufacture to the markets.
Many times, a company is surprised, and does not understand why after making great efforts to keep its clients on matters of interest to them, fail to make them realize or fail to get an answer satisfactory. Through an easy analysis it is possible to visualize that in these matters, the one who receives the message has not grasped the idea because, or it has a too long text, or perhaps it is written with words that are too heavy or difficult understanding.
Now, these establishments need to reconsider that what they are doing is sending love premises to their audience. The need to seduce them depends on a correct use of various aesthetic standards and a correct content structure.
Here are some correct guidelines for all types of writing:
- Be careful spelling. Spelling errors distort the effect we want to convey, the subconscious captures them and the image of rejection is irreversibly created.
- Punctuation marks: Oddly enough, an excess of commas makes a letter more difficult to read. The information is recharged and an effect of heaviness is achieved in its reading, we must therefore use the punctuation marks in their proper measure.
- Typography. This is the set of characters that we use when writing our documents. Word-like programs make it easier for us to use different fonts. The corporate image must always use the same typeface for all texts.
- Alignment: A good alignment facilitates the correct reading and makes it pleasant to the eye. It is about taking care of the aesthetics and uniformity of the writings. Right margin justification is recommended to avoid creating a cluttered image.
- It is also recommended to use double spacing between lines.
- Use bold, underlined and italics only to highlight those relevant words in the letter, without overdoing it so as not to fall into excessive phrases that overload the content.
- It must be known that as a common rule a short paragraph invites you to read in a more pleasant way than a long paragraph.
Apart from these aesthetic guidelines, we must also focus on the objectives for which we write the document, so that the client pays attention to our objective.
- It is important to know in advance the type of client or the specific database to which we are going to send our letters. The better we know the public, the better we will know how to approach the writing.
- It is therefore convenient to divide our customer database into specific groups. And thereafter, create a different communications strategy for each group.
- And finally, we must put the ideas and informative data in order so that it facilitates the writing:
- An introduction
- The objective: Get our attention
- The content: The information for which we get in touch, tailored to the specific group.
- Outcome: Rest of secondary information.
- A cordial farewell: also adapted to the type of people directed.
With the application of these guidelines we will obtain useful commercial documents that will capture the interest of our public and potential future clients.
It is also important to stand out from the rest of our competitors through our personal touch, some funny comment or that stands out that makes us special, here our ability to creativity. Some phrase or slogan like "IF YOU NEED IT, WE HAVE IT" ...
Finally, it is convenient to classify our documents and keep them in order and carry out the studies periodically relevant to know what type of letter achieves the best objectives, in this way we will learn from our mistakes.