Example of Affidavit of Singleness
Writings / / July 04, 2021
A singleness affidavit It is a document that is made with the purpose that the person who signs it confirms under his word or under protest tell the truth (which is the same as swearing), that you do not have a civil relationship either within your country or abroad, depending on the case.
The objective of this document is to meet administrative requirements, whether of a business or institutional nature.
There are basically three types of declaration of singleness:
- Statement addressed to an institution
- Statement addressed to consul
- Statement addressed to a company
- Statement addressed to whom it may concern
- Declaration under protest of telling the truth
- Simple declaration of singleness
Example of a single affidavit for an institution:
Declaration of singleness
The undersigned, María Antonieta Ramírez Cárdenas, who hereby declares by swearing by my word that I am not married to no person, this statement corresponds to the entire national territory where I have not contracted marriage in addition to that I declare not to have done it in any another country.
I make this statement without any pressure or coercion from any person, authority or institution, clarifying that I am not married and remain single.
Mexico City, September 23, 2015
Maria Antonieta Ramírez Cárdenas
Example of declaration of singleness addressed to a consul:
Affidavit of singleness
C. Consul of Mexico in the United States of America, with this declaration and under oath, I Fernando Francisco Franco Fernández declare that I am single and that I have not contracted marriage of any kind in this territory as well as in my country of origin and being the day Wednesday September 22 of the current year, I still do not have any type of legal relationship instituted.
I identify myself for this procedure through my visa number 15578512, which is fully valid.
This in order to carry out the necessary procedures, clarifying that this statement is not influenced by any pressure or motivation.
Fernando Francisco Franco Fernandez
Example of declaration of singleness for a company:
Subject: Declaration of singleness:
Seguros Carcachita Correcaminos S.A de C.V
Av. Insurgentes Sur Number 21234 interior 154 office 23
Cabbage. Evolution, Miguel Hidalgo delegation.
Wednesday 23 September 2015
With this document I Felipe de Jesús Quezada Calderón who identifying myself with my Elector Credential Number 13587454RPE I come here to declare that I am single, clarification that I make on my word of honor and that can be confirmed by way of civil.
This statement is only as a means of internal procedures of this company.
Felipe de Jesus Quezada Calderón
Example of declaration of singleness to whom it corresponds:
Declaration of sworn singleness
To whom it may concern:
Through this statement, I, Juan Carlos Ortegón Pérez, declare that I am single, a statement that has my oath as a means of conviction and trust.
For this purpose, I identify myself with my voter credential folio 568744577.
Please use this statement for the necessary procedures that have to be carried out without my committing myself to remain in this civil situation in the future and which may cause prejudice.
Juan Carlos Ortegón Pérez
Statement under protest of telling the truth:
Declaration of singleness under protest of telling the truth
Mexico City, September 23, 2015.
Herewith, whoever named Carlos Alberto Torres Carrera declared to be of Colombian origin and who has lived in Mexico for 36 years, declared under protest of saying the truth that I am single and free of commitments, an aspect that I have maintained without prejudice to the fact that in the future my situation changes civil.
Without further ado, I confirm my intention.
Carlos Alberto Torres Carrera
Example of a simple declaration of singleness:
Declaration of singleness
The writer Juan Gabriel Ponce Téllez declares that I am currently single, and this is my circumstance true of life, without that until this date of September 23 of this year has contracted marriage of any kind.
Please this document clarify my civil situation without for the same reason I am obliged to keep it in this way in the future.
Juan Gabriel Ponce Tellez