Copyrights Example
Right / / July 04, 2021
The CopyrightIt is the recognition that is made to all creators, for the profits that this produces, in general it is of a temporary order, and this period varies depending on the nation in which they are exercised.
In some countries the period of this right is 70 years, although in others it is only 10 years.
There are also productions that by their nature cannot be equated, such as doctors that prevent pandemics. And before these products, the requisition is presented in which its monopoly rights are taken away to replace it with financial compensation.
In general, copyright is focused on art, literature, architecture and plastic-related subjects such as sculpture.
The copyright approach in medical terms has been distorted by the very nature of science.
In Anglo-Saxon law copyright © is used, which has become the universal sign of a work protected by copyright.
Copyright example:
Juan falcón is the pseudonym of a fantastic novelist, who in real life is called Diego Gonzales Díaz.
He has made a series of stories that are turning into comics, and to protect his intellectual achievement, he turned to the National Copyright Association, where he registered his construction site.
When registering it, he had to pay a previously established amount and the corresponding contributions.
From now on, everything related to the management and commercialization of their jobs and movements related parties will lend direct earnings to him, receiving a percentage of the amount of the earnings totals.