Technical Dialog Example
Basic Knowledge / / July 04, 2021
A technical dialogue is a conversation between two people who belong to a specific field. Generally, the people in question are professionals and workers who exchange information with the language that characterizes them. For this, both have knowledge and a language that defines their area, called technical language.
Technical dialogue can occur in a work situation, to solve a problem, or in a chance meeting of professionals. This as long as it talks about aspects that have to do with the environment in which they operate. For example, a greeting such as "How are you, how is the family?", Even if it occurs during working hours, is not for a technical dialogue.
Technical dialogue demonstrates knowledge that not everyone has. Two doctors who interact in the medical school can be understood by the doctors who pass or who are included in the conversation, but if the meeting is in a supermarket, the graduates in administration who pass will not know what they are talking.
Technical dialogues are not exclusive to professions, but to very diverse fields, such as:
- Cattle raising
- farming
- Crafts
- Manufacture
- Architecture
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Movie theater
- engineering
- Music
- Academic
- Scientific
Examples of technical dialogue
![Technical dialogue between architects](/f/559c1ef3b4e53afecf8ad572d26d80ca.jpg)
Technical dialogue between two lawyers on an intestacy trial
Attorney 1: Well, the strategy to follow is simple. The intestate complaint must be made and, for this, they must be made by the relatives of the cujus, who must also point out the heirs.
Lawyer 2: But you have to take into account the counting of assets, searches in property registers and notaries.
Attorney 1: It is necessary that the search be carried out or that the edicts established by law be carried out.
Lawyer 2: I understand that the edicts are the responsibility of the plaintiff, it is not like that.
Attorney 1: Indeed, and it must also pay for the searches for wills in the notaries and the review of the public property registry.
Lawyer 2: As I understand it, the decedent owned property in four states. In which one do we have to take the intestate trial?
Attorney 1: The law and jurisprudence establish that the trial must be carried out in the last domicile of the deceased, or in the place of his descent.
Lawyer 2: In this vein, it is up to us to manage the jurisdiction here and all the heirs must be assumed by the decision of the judge of this jurisdiction.
Attorney 1: Well, taking into account the situation of things and being clear that before the knowledge of the heirs, there is no will, we will proceed as we projected before.
Technical dialogue between two engineers in the middle of production
Engineer 1: The next batch of zinc sulfate solution is going through electrolysis.
Engineer 2: Well. But you have to ask process engineering to take samples. The concentration has dropped and the batches are not producing well.
Engineer 1: Agree. I will direct them from operations to check the outlet of the jet tanks.
Engineer 2: Also that they evaluate the quality of the sulfuric acid that enters those tanks. It can be diluted.
Engineer 1: I will also take the opportunity to visit the ovens. Perhaps the zinc sulfide ores are not burning well, and the zinc oxide that comes out has a lower proportion.
He may interest you:
- Dialog example.
- Short dialogues.