Example of Games of Chance
Basic Knowledge / / July 04, 2021
They are known that way to all those type of distraction that specifically targets the adult, where you try your luck to get a prize if you win. The main feature of this game is that it is very unpredictable determine what the end result of that game might be.
With this, it is understood that the variable that most influences the result is not so much the player's own ability or any other type of skill but the intervention of the surprise factor. The most that the person who decides to participate in a certain game can do is only to perfect the technique of the game itself as well as possible, nothing more.
It should be noted that in recent years, this type of game has generated a high interest on the part of some experts in various fields of study, in a very particular way, by some mathematicians; who have insisted on trying to understand the variables that participate in the dynamics of chance.
In fact, they have come to develop a theory that they called the "theory of the game", in which certain patterns of probability and statistics that, rather than predicting the results, have understood the behavior developed by their own odds.
What is important to take into account is that there are two important factors that participate in the modality of games of chance which are, on the one hand, capacity and ability of the player to try to approach possible results, and on the other hand, the factor of luck or causality that intervenes in the results that are present.
Although it is true that the ability and capacity that a player develops is important, it should never be forgotten that this really does not interfere with the desired results. The issue of chance as such will always be biased in the probable results. Although it does not hurt that the player is continuously improving skills such as memory capacity and speed in managing the mind; This will allow you not to be unpredictable in the behaviors you carry out.
Why is gambling attractive?
One of the reasons why a person seeks to participate in this type of game is the fact that it awakens the playful aspect since it is stimulated by the feeling of gratification although it is not guaranteed that it will always be So. For many players, the simple fact of feeling an adrenaline rush to know the result of the game gives them a pleasure, and if that is coupled with a winning result, much better.
Beginnings of the game of chance
This type of games began to be developed in several towns from primitive resources, although inserted in a resource of creativity to find a challenge in which chance participates. A classic example of this was when it occurred to someone to flip a coin and mention one of the two options so that in case the result was the same as what the player anticipated, a result would be given winner.
One of the reasons gambling is so successful, in addition to the gratification it can get, is that all participants in the game are on an equal footing, which has been called "democracy of the uncertainty ”.
Gambling problems
It is important to mention that there are groups of people who oppose this type of game because they point out that this activity promotes values that are related to the little effort that is implemented and the desire to earn money "easy". This has been taken to the field of debate from the point of view of ethics and morals where it is difficult to reach a consensus.
One of the ways that cities have been developing to bring people together to participate in the games of chance are the establishments called casinos, which are not well seen by certain sectors of the society.
One of the challenges that it has been facing from the point of view of the social behavior of casinos, is that although they are a way of providing entertainment to people, sometimes exist, due to the lack of control of some scenarios that affect the patrimony of the families
It does not matter whether from the point of view of income, they are rich or poor; If there is no control over the emotions or self-esteem of the players, they can lose how much or how little they have. In fact, you can develop an addiction to gambling. The disease that this type of person who loses control of their emotions and impulses suffers, is called gambling.
Examples of games of chance:
This game consists of a structure in the form of a bass drum that counts a defined number of balls, the which are numbered each of them without repeating the numbers, in total they have up to 90 options. The way the game is played is from the fact that each of the players has in their possession a card where a series is marked numbers randomly and the person in charge of drawing the balls one by one, indicates to the participants the corresponding ball number. The first person who manages to obtain all the numbers that his card has and have been crossed out will win.
Statistically, the probability that a single player will fill all the boxes first, will initially depend on the number of players that show up in the game.
Heads or tails
This is one of the simplest games of chance that exist, which is referred to in other ways as the classic "blown up" or "heads or tails"; which consists of one of the participants tossing said coin into the air and waiting for the coin itself to fall to a flat surface, waiting for the result that can be one of two options, the one who has hit the possible result that mentions it will win the game when the coin is still in the air. Statistically the probability of obtaining a result is 50%.
Historically, it is known that the Sumerian and Assyrian cultures already used this game instrument and It was manufactured from specific bones that were extracted from the heel of some animals such as horses. Said extracted bone, which they called "talus", was subsequently carved until four flat sides could be obtained to generate the same amount of results. This was the antecedent of the dice that we currently know.
Regarding the dynamics of the game, we have that this consists of an assigned person throwing a dice at the air so that at a certain moment it falls to the surface and presents one of the options viewers. That result will be the one showing the top side up and will define the winner of the game.
If we understand that the most conventional die has six equal sides, then we have that statistically the probability of having a hit is 1 out of six options, it represents 16.67% of probability.
From the historical point of view, the origins of the lottery date back to the 15th century, where the Genoese, who in that period were some great navigators and dominated the control of the Mediterranean, designed this game in order to use it as a sales strategy. Each prize that a player obtained, was rewarded for certain merchandise if he won the game. Here the playful aspect of the game of chance began to develop.
Statistically, the probability that an individual wins the prize will depend on several factors, among them, the number of tickets that are issued for the realization of the lottery.
Football pools
In this case, the probability that a player hits the result depends on variables that are involved in the game. number of possibilities that are presented, for example, in a sports tournament depending on the results that are going to give. For example, suppose that in a tournament fourteen games are going to be given, we must choose in one of them three possible outcomes that would be: win, draw or lose.
Slot Machine or Slot Machine
This game consists of an elemental exchange which consists of a player putting some coins to the machine in question so that the machine itself machine through some mechanisms generates results, for example in which three equal figures must coincide on the screen, if this occurs, the player wins money that is around an average of 70% of what has been deposited in the machine during a certain period and that other players have not livestock.