Story Features
Story / / July 04, 2021
History is one of the branches of the social sciences, it focuses on the study of the events that influence man in the course of time.
It can cover many topics and variants but there is a different application for each subject, and we can clarify that
The branches of history are many, such as:
- Prehistory
- Old history
- Modern history
- Current history
- Medical history
- Personal history (file) etc.
The story is characterized by the gathering of information and its logical arrangement, and therefore the definition of history is originally originally from the Greek "istopia" and from there it went to the Latin "history" and its meaning would be that of "investigation”, “Information”. That is why the concept of history is also established for the research activity of almost any type, as researchers verify obvious traces to draw logical conclusions and document them.
History can be considered as such since the creation of writing, which was the ideal way to protect information.
![The history, characteristics Story characteristics](/f/d839758f212a84e2d4ec0dbacb163399.jpg)
Story Features:
Investigation.- As we mentioned, the story is based mainly on the investigation, gathering and logical conformation of data. The data are currently managed by historians, who wrote the obvious data of their experiences mainly as a way of transmitting knowledge.
Prehistory.- Prehistory is what we can define as hidden history or lost history. In this sense, only the conclusions that by deduction and by investigation of the remains of ancient cultures can be considered.
Prehistory uses other sciences or branches such as:
- Anthropology
- Numismatics
- Heraldry
- Linguists etc.
In this period more subdivisions were established such as:
- Paleolithic (Ancient Stone)
- Neolithic (New stone)
- Bronze Age
- Iron age
Old age.- This is the time when history began to be written, the languages were already well formed and there were characters who focused on preserving the facts and events that they considered important.
Middle Ages.- The Middle Ages or Middle Ages is a period in which certain social and cultural events occurred that formed a clear distinction with the social processes of the ancient age.
Contemporary age.- The contemporary age is a historical period that does not have an approximate definition of the French Revolution or the Industrial Revolution until the present time.
Current age.- The current age is difficult to mark in its beginning, and in general terms the current and contemporary times are united. The present is basically everything that is happening in our daily life.
Use.- The story applies to all topics, it is basically the introduction of all books, stories and the guide regarding time in many topics. Thus, history is the relatively ordered precedent of our events.
Polpitica.- Man, being political by nature, sees the need to make the information found official according to his interests, a case by which he can be susceptible and be influenced by alterations direct.