Example of Verses In Hexasyllable
Literature / / July 04, 2021
The hexasyllable verses are the verses that are made up of six syllables. They are part of the verses of minor art, that is, of the verses that contain less than eight syllables.
They were the metrics used during the Middle Ages for popular and minstrel songs and verses.
In medieval deed songs, when singing was done with hexasyllable verses, it was called romancillo.
Another well-known genre where hexasyllabic verses are used is the Christmas carol, widely used at the end of the year.
The letrilla is another type of verse with the same structure as the Christmas carol, but with a burlesque or satire theme.
Some other types of stanzas that use hexasyllable verses are the gypsy sequence, which combines six hexasyllable verses and a hendecasyllable, in combination 6-6-11-6, and the royal series, which combines two hendecasyllable verses and two hexasyllable verses in combination 11-6-11-6.
Examples of hexasyllable verses:
Verse 1
Today the girl cries
and he was right
in fierce absence
of her ungrateful love
Verse 2
To the pain of love
we call wait
darling goodness
to treason fraud.
Verse 3
Today in your memory
I embrace my pain
in the esperanze
there is my illusion
Verse 4
Your message frame
your silence I speak
I understood well
without hearing your voice
your dirty darling.
Verse 5
Your mercy came
your hand weighed
and your voice sounded
always behind me
Titan of a thousand fights
Knight hero,
Lord of Toledo.
Abdica sword,
You abandon helmet,
And today you are looking for peace
What many battles
They always promised,
And that they did not bring
Spilled blood
No loot, no looting.
Just the green field
Sowing life,
The water, the wind,
The void, nothingness,
Little by little they will give you peace
And holy peace.
Gypsy Seguidilla
Come on beautiful girl
With olive eyes,
Dance, dance, enjoy, under the moon
That you are my goddess.