Who Are The Three Wise Men?
Story / / July 04, 2021
The story of the three known men, today, as "Wise men" It is not born from fantasy, but from the scriptures that Catholics know as gospels, to be more exact, in the gospel according to Saint Matthew that can be found in the Bible and in which, it talks about the arrival in Jerusalem of some magicians, who, guided by a star they found in the east, were looking for the king (Jesus) who had been born in that place.
Making a description of what was said in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, the wise men They went to where King Herod was to ask him about the whereabouts of the newborn king, he, surprised, He summoned all the priests and scribes, who told him that Christ was to be born in Bethlehem because it was stipulated by the prophet.
After learning the exact place where they could find Jesus, the wise men They continued on their way to Bethlehem where they were accompanied by the eastern star that had served of his guidance during the long journey and which prostrated on the place where the born.
Upon finding the new king, the wise men, coming from the east, prostrated and worshiped the child Jesus offering three presents: gold incense Y myrrh, the first, symbolizes the place of king of the newborn; the second symbolizes God; and the third symbolizes man.
After presenting themselves before Jesus, having worshiped him and delivered the presents that they brought for him from the distant countries from which they came, the wise men They set out on their way home by a different path, as they learned that they must avoid running into Herod again.
After knowing, in broad strokes, what the Christian writings mention from which the history of the wise men, we can realize that at no time is the exact place or places from which they come mentioned, their names are not mentioned, nor is a description of their physique made.
According to historians, the term "Wizards"In those days, it was used to call astrologers or wise men, their names and physical appearance were given to them through the history because of the need of the faithful that those characters, so mysterious precisely because of the lack of information them, had a face, a body, a name and a provenance, the first description about them was made by a Benedictine monk in the century XIV:
GASPAR: He is conceived as the youngest of the three wise men, it is also said that he was the king of the Indians, which agrees more with those who define him as a dark man, although there are those who claim that he was blond or brown, he was the one who presented the incense.
MELCHORConceived as an elderly man with long white hair and beard who hails from Europe, it is also said that He was the king of the Persians and there are those who claim that he was the one in charge of delivering the myrrh, although others claim that he was the gold.
BALTHAZAR: Considered a black man from Africa, it is also said that he was the king of the Arabs, it is believed that he was the one who delivered the gold, but there are beliefs that it was he who was in charge of delivering myrrh.
It is from the Gospel according to Saint Matthew that the tradition is born that wise men they deliver, year after year, on January 6, gifts to all the children, who wait all night for the arrival of Melchior Caspar and Balthazar.