Characteristics of the Prokaryotic Cell
Biology / / July 04, 2021
Cells that do not have a nucleus are known as "prokaryotic" cells, they lack a nuclear membrane, their genomic function is distributed throughout the cell.
This cell will be considered on many occasions as the cell that initiates life from which all the existing variants, this due to the fact that it shares similarities and characteristics with the cells of other entities living.
Basic characteristics of the prokaryotic cell:
Structure.- The structure of the cell is very simple, its size is the most reduci
![The prokaryotic cell and its characteristics Characteristics of prokaryotic cells](/f/8fdecb7b98bc58dcfb8cb71c6969373f.jpg)
measuring less than ten microns between three and six microns approximately, as it varies depending on which cell one is referring to. Its structure is basically unicellular, which is why it is called “prokaryotic cells”.
Biochemical diversity and its metabolism.- The diversification of this cell is very wide, this diversification has constantly changed in the hands of researchers, this because biochemical diversity has many facets, due to the enormous number of different cells in these types of entities and their reaction to different biological environmental media, as well as their differences, even though they all belong to the same family.
Nutrition.-The prokaryotic cell is distinguished by producing its own food, this has been classified as a quality of the "chemosynthetic bacteria”Which produce their food based on a type of energy that they extract directly from sulfur, hydrogen, iron and nitrogen. This phenomenon occurs in bacteria called "autotrophs"(Photosynthesis) because they are capable of producing their food, although they can also feed in the form"heterotrophic"Because they can absorb their food from a symbiotic relationship of a host.
Reproduction.- The reproduction of prokaryotic cells is the "cellular division”, That although the same DNA replication is used, they suffer from the phenomenon of mutation, which allows them to adapt widely to new environments (they do not have sexual reproduction).
Adaptation.- It is by means of small mutation phenomena, as we mentioned before, which allows its adaptation in many biological environments and sometimes converting it into parasites.
Varieties or types.-There are multiple varieties of prokaryotic cells, about ten thousand species, that are capable to survive in harsh environments that encompass virtually all biological environments existing.
Breathing.- Its respiration can be aerobic and anaerobic, in aerobic respiration cells it allows the o2 to be fixed and used for biological combustion. This respiration takes place in a fold of the plasma membrane. The breathing anaerobicIt does not require oxygen and sometimes this presence of oxygen is harmful to them.
Classification.- Prokaryotic cells divide mainly into "archaea" cells and "bacteria" cells, and can be differentiated mainly by their RNA.
- Archaea.- These are the unicellular organisms that are considered the most primitive, and as we have already mentioned, they do not have a nucleus and their reproduction is by cell division and they are found in very extreme environments. In this sense, we can separate the Methanogens from the Holophiles and the hyperthermophiles.
- Bacterium.- These bacteria are formed by sets of cells that are in a more evolved stage, in this field blue green algae appear, which in the beginning were very abundant, and it is possible that they have formed part of what today are petroleum compounds and at the time were a lung of the planet.
Movement.- Its movement or locomotion is by means of small bacterial flagella, although they may also not exist.