Characteristics of the Plant Kingdom
Biology / / July 04, 2021
The vegetable kingdom also called "kingdom plantae ", is a term applied to all those living beings that can grow in the earth and that absorb its nutrients from it, another aspect that characterizes the kingdom plantae, is that they produce photosynthesis. Although it is very similar, saying that there is a kingdom called the vegetable kingdom is not entirely right, since the correct kingdom is “kingdom plantae”.
In this kingdom we can introduce plants as such:
- Algae
- Trees
- Shrubbery
- flowers
- Fruit
- Seeds etc.
Characteristics of the Plant kingdom:
The vegetable kingdom has an infinity of plants, although we differentiate vegetables from fruits and plants, in this sense it is convenient to unify them as a single species:
Estate.- They are one of the most important parts of the plant, without these the plant cannot absorb liquids and nutrients from the earth. Although there are plants that do not touch the ground like the parasites of trees, but they also have roots, which are the areas where they absorb most of their nutrients.
Stem.- This also appears in most plants, they transmit fluids and nutrients to the rest of the plant.
Branches.- The branches are the extensions that plants produce so that the leaves absorb sunlight and thus achieve photosynthesis and thus absorb solar energy.
Sheets (foliage) .- These are the parts in which photosynthesis takes place, they also produce the effect of preventing excessive evaporation of water.
flowers.- Flowers have a very important role, as this is the reproductive system of plants, the entire reproductive system that has the pistil is found here, pollen, ovaries, stamens and stigma, achieve the formation of the fruit and later the formation of the seeds, which will ensure the formation of a plant Similary.
Fruit.- The fruits are the product of the reproduction of plants, in these they protect large amounts of nutrients, sugars and carbohydrates, which are necessary for the seeds to germinate and begin their increase. The fruits can migrate from one place to another through a symbiosis with the fauna, which consumes them and disperses the seeds to other places.
Seeds.- The seeds are what make up the reproduction of new plants, their structure is generally hard, the seeds react with water and soil. They germinate and have a small plant inside, a plant that feeds on the nutrients found in the rest of the seed and later they feed on the nutrients of the earth and with photosynthesis they grow and nourish. The seeds have a food reserve that allows them to survive outside the plant for a time.
Sun.- Plants have the quality of looking for light, this is why they always go towards the light, not matter that the seed germinates downward, the plant will feel gravity or light output and grow downward the light. This phenomenon can be observed in the sunflower, which is always in search of sunlight, to generate photosynthesis, which is essential.
Land.- Although the earth is not part of the plant, it is extremely important, since the nutrients, mineral salts and liquids found here are what allow the formation of the plant, so if the soil does not have enough nutrients (it is very poor), the plant will develop very little or simply do not will develop.