Sample Student Course Survey
Polls / / July 04, 2021
Many institutes and schools of education research on the level reached by students with the courses taught. They also evaluate the entire teaching methodology using a questionnaire design related to education. The survey is aimed at the students who took the courses in order to investigate possible improvements to them. This sample survey is about student courses.
Mr. Student:
Please take only ten minutes to complete the survey about the course provided. Your answers will be reserved in order to improve the quality of the courses of the Example Institute.
Course name:
Duration date:
Teacher's name:
1) The course is:
Not required
2) Specify on a scale from 1 to 5 your level according to the following statements:
The level of difficulty of the course was correct.
The assignments were appropriate and understandable.
I would recommend this course to other students of the Institute
3) Specify your level on a scale from 1 to 5 according to the following statements:
The bibliographic material was adequate to cover the course.
The printed materials were understandable and made it easy to understand the topics.
The books were used at the correct time in the course.
4) On the possible benefits of the given course:
The course has helped to complete my training on the subject
The course has increased my interest in the subject
The course did not meet my expectations
5) In relation to the course teacher:
He was enthusiastic about the course at all times.
He is a correct teacher of the subject he teaches,
Encourage the participation of all participants.
Use the examples at the appropriate times in the course.
He has an advanced level on the subject.
He was not the right teacher for the course.
6) What would be your level of satisfaction with the course?
Very satisfied
Very unsatisfied
7) Do you have any suggestions to improve the delivery of this course?
Likewise, educational institutes are interested in the performance of their teachers in order to improve the levels of education on students. Once the courses taught are completed, a research survey is carried out on the task carried out by each of the teachers throughout the year. Let's see an example of a survey evaluating a certain teacher.