Example of Complementation Questions
Polls / / July 04, 2021
When applying a knowledge test it is possible to use different types of questions, one of these types is the supplementation questions which are those in which a part of a statement is expressed and the person being evaluated is expected to complete what is missing.
One of the characteristics of supplementation questions is that the answers must be very short, since the objective of this type of reagents is to evaluate the knowledge of concepts, names and dates mainly.
The supplementation questions They can also be expressed in an interrogative way, by means of a direct question that requires a short or simple answer.
When preparing these types of questions, it is advisable not to wait for the statement to be completed with too many words, since there is a risk that the sentence does not make sense, it is best if the complement is one or two words.
Blank spaces should always be left the same size so that they do not suggest a answer and ask the questions in such a way that the student's mastery of the subject is shown and not his good memory.
Finally, the statements must have a single clear and direct answer, that is, ambiguity should not be allowed.
Example of Complementation Questions:
______ Occupies a place in space.
______ He is called the Father of the Independence of Mexico.
______It is the Country where the Industrial Revolution began.
______ Newton's Law talks about maintaining the state of rest of a body as long as there is no force to change it.
Sample Interrogative Complementation Questions:
What do the acronyms UN stand for?
Who Invented Printing?
In what year does the so-called Industrial Revolution take place?