Startup Company Example
Administration / / July 04, 2021
It is understood as a company Startup or Start-up to those companies or small businesses that are capable of generating large income.
The startup or Start-up concept catalogs companies that today have the circumstance of generating large capital with a minimum of personnel and investment.
Companies that start and attract attention can be understood as startup or start-up of investors, mainly those known as Angel investors, who provide capital to these Business.
The capital of these companies is usually high risk, since it is based on their performance that they remain in the market.
The condition or quality of startup is lost in these companies due to circumstances such as:
- Cost effectiveness
- Entry into the stock market
- Merger with subsidiaries or diverse companies
- Buying for a larger company
- Purchase for a company of the same size adding in capacity
Startup company example:
Computer repair for college campus students was practically in good shape. nonexistent, which is why computer students created "Fast-repairs pc." That will repair computers at the components.
Although the omen of this company was very limited since they considered that it would not have prosperity due to the low price of the new computers.
At the beginning of the project, in a period of 30 days, their capital was quintupled, and they decided to open branches in schools belonging to this same university chain.
This company was formed by students, who worked part time but had to hire in less than 60 days of starting full-time employees and they had to look for investors.
In the end they got the investment from “Inversiones RZ, S.A de C.V.B”, a company that invests capital in high-risk companies, an investment that allowed the acquisition of laboratory instruments, specialized in data recovery and change of devices, chips and components various.
Today in a span of 18 months, it has 20 branches and even branches off campus.