Sample Shipment Note
Administration / / July 04, 2021
A shipping note It is a document with which the sending of some type of information or merchandise is verified, it is widely used in marketing, in accounting, in administration and in any shipment that requires a verification of the same.
This document gives a description of what is sent, if there is a cost, the cost, it has information about the vessel, packaging or related treatment and the circumstance in which it is found at the time of being packed.
It must also have mainly:
a) Company name, Tax Identification Number, tax address and telephone number (s) of the Company or institution.
b) Address of the place of transformation or commercialization of the products (destination).
c) Correlative document number.
d) Date of departure of the products.
e) Quantity and description of the products.
f) Number of plates or identification of the vehicle that transports forest products.
g) Signature and stamp of the person responsible for sending it.
Shipping note example:
Medicamentos Geminis S.A de C.V
Av. Madrid No. 356 México D.F
C.P. 25462033
Responsible issuer:
Ernesto Gutiérrez Chávez.
Drug details: with a shipping date of February 20, 2014.
1. 3,654 Injectable steroid doses.
2. 6, 589,441 NPH-type intermediate insulin dose.
3. 365,456 Dose of cortico steroids,
Deposit paid, containers are refundable after use.
Total units 69, 58,551 pieces,
Unit cost:
1.- 250.00 per piece
2.- 180.00 per piece
3.- 520.00 per piece
Total cost of merchandise: 1,377,050,000
Biologist. Aquileo Martínez Baños.