Bachelor of Business Administration
Administration / / July 04, 2021
The Bachelor of Administration is the professional who has a comprehensive strategic vision of public and private organizations in a national environment and to optimize resources in a productive way and thus achieve the objectives set and make companies more competitive in the face of the globalization of markets.
The challenges and opportunities presented by today's society require professionals who have the skills and knowledge that allow to adequately face the administration of companies involved in an environment whose main characteristic is the change.
The administrator must be by nature, an agent of change, capable of leading organizations towards high levels of competitiveness, and for this purpose is a professional with a interdisciplinary training to occupy executive levels with deep knowledge of: finance, accounting, production, marketing, economics, human resources, computing, law, etc., which allow among other things: planning the work of others, establishing control systems, delegating authority, coordinating groups, making important decisions for the business.
Today's times require creative, innovative people to turn rigid organizations into flexible organizations in which that its members have a positive attitude towards their work, good communication, a good functional relationship to achieve a goal common, training facilities and in which the benefits generated are distributed in a balanced way among those who they generate.
Within the challenge represented by the international economic dynamics, in which our country is immersed, there is a need for a new approach regarding the conception, promotion, organization and management of companies that allows increasing the competitive force in order to consolidate and develop it for the benefit of society in general.
Graduates in Business Administration represent for the future of our Country, a transcendent factor to achieve the Nation model to which all Mexicans aspire. It must be that type of person who promotes the integration, motivation and co-responsibility of the group members.
It will promote and be the manager of regional and national economic development, acting according to ethical principles which will lead you to lead groups with absolute respect for human dignity promoting values and goals through motivation.
For the efficiency and development of organizations, intuition or common sense is not enough. It is necessary to know how (experience) and why (knowledge) to be able to lead or direct.
He is responsible for building a common future seeking: trends towards a globalization of the fields of human activities; of democratic participation; towards economic growth and human development; towards continuing education to learn to be, to learn to know, to learn to do and to learn to live with others. Based on the philosophical framework that corresponds to the accentuation of the vision and higher education, the following guidelines are established to overcome the social tensions between: the global and the local, the universal and the particular, tradition and modernity, and competition and equality of opportunities.
The dynamism with which businesses are currently developing requires directors-managers who, with a real sense of social responsibility, make decisions based on a high technical-professional level that, in addition to strengthening the competitive position of the company, guarantees a future of success and prosperity for the herself.
The Bachelor of Business Administration must possess the following skills and characteristics:
- Honesty.
- Respect for the dignity of the human person and for the environment.
- Appreciation for the cultural, historical and social values of the community and the country.
- Entrepreneurial and innovative spirit.
- Leadership skills.
- Quality culture.
- Respect and commitment to the communities.
- Oral and written communication skills and critical reading skills.
- Knowledge of the English language.
- Be an agent of change.
- Must be able to analyze economic, political and social environments for decision making.
- Management skills.
- Be able to develop and implement life and career plans.
- Use information systems.
- Ability to apply the theoretical principles and practical mechanisms of administration
- Management skills
- Self-knowledge, high self-esteem and capacity for teamwork.
- Solid humanistic training.
- Possess up-to-date and useful knowledge in their professional performance.
- Development of skills that enable effective and reliable performance.
- Special sensitivity to capture opportunities that allow the generation of self-employment and the association with other people with whom it can form a complementary synergy.
- Strong social commitment and conviction with the legitimate causes of the various sectors of the community.
- Ethical and responsible performance in the exercise of their professional and personal functions.
- Recognition of events, people and proposals that enhance society.
- Commitment to perfectibility and continuous improvement, both of your person and with the organizations of which he is a part: his family, the company, social groups and society in his set.
- Master the legal and fiscal aspects, as well as the financing of a company.
- Self confidence
- Permanent improvement
- Prospective of life
- Innovator, initiator and entrepreneur
- Openness to change and attitude of constructive criticism
- Service to others
- Solidarity with your profession
- Observation capacity
- Abstract thinking ability
- Skill in understanding and applying mathematical tools.
- Service vocation
- Plan, organize, direct and control your work and that of others towards the achievement of objectives
- Decision making
- Apply creatively and with broad criteria in practice the theoretical knowledge acquired
- Exercise and delegate authority
- Manage and allocate resources
- Lead a group
- Negotiate
- Promote and implement teamwork
- Adaptability to the organizational climate
- Adaptability to globalization processes
- Promote change and social development
- Collect, analyze and process information
- Solve problems
- Ease of communication
- Systematic and strategic vision
- Learn to learn
- Inquisitive spirit and construction of new knowledge.
- Maintain good internal and external public relations.
The professional of this career will be able to apply their knowledge of managing at different hierarchical levels and to the different functions of organizations.
You will be able to practice in both public (state, municipal and national organizations) and private (industrial, commercial and service) companies in their different areas, among which are They find: marketing, production, human resources, finance, public relations, organization, administrative procedures, purchases, IT, administrative audit, among other
Lic. In Business Administration it can also be the promoter of new sources of work in own or family businesses.
You can participate in civil societies, employers' organizations, unions, political parties, international organizations, etc; or in higher education institutes, carrying out research and teaching tasks.
The positions he may occupy, among others, are the following:
Short term:
- Executive in public or private companies in the areas of: marketing, commercialization and market research.
- Management positions in the areas of recruitment and selection, training, quality culture and compensation.
- Account executive in banking and stock market institutions, as well as financial analyst.
- Purchasing executive and cost and productivity analyst.
- International business (imports and exports)
- Executive in the area of strategic planning.
- Administrative analyst
As an independent professional you can:
- Start a consulting firm.
- Start your own commercial, industrial and / or service company.
- Advise companies
- Director of the marketing department.
- Director of the human resources department.
- Director of the finance department.
- Director of the administrative department.
- General manager of the company.
- Owner of his own company.