Administrative Report Example
Administration / / July 04, 2021
The administrative report It is a written document that describes or makes known the status of any activity, study or project of an administrative nature, be it in the business or governmental sphere.
An administrative report can be made by some officials or heads of area of a company, which is aimed at superiors whether they are government, executives, managers of companies, etc.
They are directed to superiors (government or business) as a basis for seeking improvements in the administration.
They are generally carried out with scheduled times and focused on improvement and efficiency, by detecting problems and their possible solutions.
For an administrative report some points are taken into account:
- The points to be discussed are clarified.
- It is supported by graphs, tables, charts to facilitate understanding.
- The problems in the administration are exposed.
- Possible solutions to the problem are proposed.
- Depending on the length and type of report, errors, errors or omissions that lead to administrative inefficiency can be detailed.
- And detail each and every one of the possible solutions to each problem raised.
The applications of an administrative report are varied, covering governmental, industrial, commercial, etc. spheres.
Administrative report example:
Discos telax S.A de C.V
Production report of polycarbonate discs for recording in DVD + R format.
The discs made with polycarbonate in DVD + R format are created with first-class material, with mirror-like reflector with anti-scratch coating in high-resistance plastic.
The discs have a total cost of $ 2.00.00 two pesos per piece, a cost that includes aspects such as:
- Virgin polycarbonate,
- Manufacturing
- Lettering
- Packaging and distribution.
The cost of this product has a contribution of 1000.00 per ton of product in the factory and increases its cost proportionally in the intermediaries until reaching a final cost of $ 8.00.00 that will cover the cost of production, manufacturing costs, contributions and pensions, leaving a total profit of $ 6.00.00 per item for the business.
This cost has varied during the last six months, due to the variation in the cost of reflective material and polycarbonates.
For this case, graphs are attached that clarify the variation of costs and profits during the last six months.
Ing. Fernando Fuentes