Example of a Manufacturing Process Technical Report
Administration / / July 04, 2021
A manufacturing process technical report, It is a document in which the steps and processes required for the manufacture or manufacture of an article are expressed.
It is used in administration to publicize the necessary steps and the way in which they should be carried out, either for shareholders or technicians, who based on said report will be able to make changes in decisions or improvements in the processes.
Example of a technical report of the manufacturing process:
Technical report
The manufacture of wine in
Planta Vinícola Ramón Robles S.A de C.V.
Ramón Robles Wine Plant - Querétaro Mex.
Manufacturing process of red table wine.
First.- The grapes were cut on June 19, for a total of 80 tons. These boxes were transported in special boxes that avoid the fracture of the fruit and in specialized transports that maintain the temperature at 18 ° Celsius.
Second.- Later they were crushed in special hoppers that do not fragment the grapes too much, but allowing the extraction of the juice without having fractures in the seeds and therefore change the taste.
Third.- At this point, the grape extracts are emptied into specialized hoppers so that the wine-making process begins.
Bedroom.- The mixture is transferred to the film maceration or pre-fermentation where the temperature is controlled to its fermentation and sulfur dioxide was added, which will function as an antimicrobial and preservative antioxidant.
Fifth.- The earthy or muddy waste from the grape harvest is separated.
Sixth.- Supervision of all the steps is carried out by a fully qualified engineer, who monitors that each of the steps are fulfilled.
Seventh.- When the fermentation is at the exact point, (process verified by the certified wine technician), it goes on to the packaging process.
Eighth.- When the product is packaged, a final chemical verification of the product is carried out, which will establish the quality of the product to be packaged.
Nineth.- The product is packaged in amber, green or beige bottles, depending on the type of wine and the corresponding quality; It is also packaged in tetra pack containers, which significantly reduce the cost and keep it in excellent working condition.
Report made by:
Ing. Francisco Tellez Linares
Querétaro Mexico on July 21, 2014