Example of Management Reports
Administration / / July 04, 2021
They are called management reports to the reports submitted by the manager of a company. The management reports They are aimed at the managers of the company.
In the managerial report, the manager can give a detailed account of the circumstances that occur in the branch or branches under his charge.
To make a report, the manager uses the respective reports presented by the area managers, accountants, administrators, heads of personnel and corresponding personnel, with whom the report is made correspondent.
The data required in a report are:
- Manager's name
- Name of the responsible assistants (Administrators and accountants)
- Date
- Branch or company address
- Sources
- recommendations
- Corresponding annexes.
Example of a managerial report:
Management Report
Board of directors present:
With this report I inform you of the general circumstance of the branch "Uninorte S.A de C.V" expressing the variables of income, expenses and contracts corresponding to the months of December to February of the present year.
In the first place, the sale of school uniforms in December and January was very low, especially for the vacation period, which left an economic loss of 30% to what was received on a similar date of the year past.
In the month of February of the present the sales have increased, and especially in the gala uniforms, used for flag honors, which have had preference over the competence.
The sales relationship is clearly broken down in the attached report prepared by the accounting department, which shows a 70% growth in the sale of these uniforms.
It is also clarified that the manufacture of uniforms has contained an extra expense, by improving the quality of fabric and an improvement in accessories such as:
- Hats,
- Gloves
- Jackets
- Shoes
- Backpacks
In another vein, it is reported that a total of four contracts have been obtained to standardize students, contracts that are annexed to this report.
The uniforms will be of the "sports", "gala", and "daily use" types, so our orders and production are insured until September of this year.
The cost for the increase in production will amount to 5,000,000.00 (Five million pesos M / N), and the investment relationship will be sent to you along with this report as a special annex.
If this factory is required to supply all the uniforms, they will be required as indicated in the report of the administrator the acquisition of 20 straight sewing machines and the hiring of 20 experienced people for the job. Likewise, the acquisition of a delivery vehicle will be required, and the acquisition of raw materials for this purpose.
As a recommendation, I suggest that the plant located in the Azcapotzalco delegation make the uniforms for the Instituto Forext S.C school, which is located in that demarcation.
Collaborated in this report:
Lic. In administration Rosalba Mendieta Gamboa, Ezequiel, Pérez Linares and the Public Accountant Sofía Duran Gutiérrez.
Mexico DF. as of May 04, 2013.
Ing. Luis Gamboa Vilchis