Mixed Number Example
Math / / July 04, 2021
The mixed numbers or mixed fractions are the broken numbers that are made up of a whole number and a fraction, which must have a numerator less than the denominator.
Every mixed number is made up of two parts:
- An integer and
- A proper fraction.
Fractional numbers generally conform to positive numbers, since negative numbers produce opposite results.
The reading of these numbers has a reading order and it should also be clarified that the mixed numbers become improper fractions as shown in the second operation of the image.
Example of mixed numbers or mixed fractions:
Now, taking the fraction 7/5 as an example, we divide the numerator by the denominator, we will observe that these numbers make up a division and thus we obtain the corresponding result:
This operation has also been designated by the name of "Mixed number reduction", thus leaving the mixed numbers, which are made up of fractions larger than the denominator.
Inverse operation.- The inverse function or inverse operation consists of converting the broken to a mixed number, in which the The broken number is multiplied by the denominator number and the remaining number is added to the result, as seen in the following picture:
More examples of mixed numbers: