Salary concept, what is salary.
Human Resources / / July 04, 2021
Encyclopedic definition:
Remuneration assigned to an individual for the performance of a professional position or service: through fixed remuneration. Solid (currency).
Remuneration, remuneration, stipend, in its most general sense. In the case of employees, assets or assets, salary; pay is each one of the deliveries that he receives, generally every month, which is why it is also called a monthly payment. The periodic salary that servants and manual workers receive, salary; among peasants, welded; if it is for weeks, weekly; if it is for days, wages. In the liberal professions, honoraria, special if they are not periodic. In administrative language, bonuses and emoluments are salaries or ancillary profits.
Definition according to the Federal Labor Law
"It is all compensation that the employer must pay to the worker for his work" Art. 82
According to the Labor Code - Article 227ยบ
"The remuneration, whatever its denomination or method of calculation that can be evaluated in cash, owed by an employer to a worker by virtue of the services or works that he has performed or must perform, in accordance with the provisions of the Contract of Job."