8 Points From Doctor Deming
Human Resources / / July 04, 2021
• Establish the purpose of constantly improving the product and service with the goal of being competitive and remaining in the market. (innovate, invest in research and education, improve design - the consumer is the most important thing in the production line-)
• Implement modern training methods for each position.
• Adopt the new philosophy, we are in a new economic era, we can no longer live with delays, errors, defective material and people who are not suitable for the position.
• Eradicate fear so that everyone can express themselves freely about what is not right.
• Discover problems in the system and improve it: this is the work that the administration must do continuously.
• End the practice of doing business based on brand pricing, instead must minimize the total cost, eliminating suppliers that do not verify their quality with evidence statistics.
• Engage all company personnel in the task of transforming it since it is everyone's job, and create a structure in senior management that drives the previous 13 points day by day.
• Remove the barriers that prevent the worker from feeling proud of the new job performance. You have to tell him what is a good or bad job done from a database.
• Erase barriers between departments, research, design, sales and production staff must work as a team to forecast and understand production problems.